Well after 4 trips to the Toyota dealer for a rattle in the front passenger seat the problem has been resolved, after the tech called for assistance from Cal. they sent him a video and instructions on how to fix the problem or how they have been fixing the problem, tech said this is a new seat in the 08 Prius and replacing the seat would not fix the problem, and this noise is a known problem with Toyota. The fix involved disassembled right hand side of the pass frt seat to apply foam and tape to all areas of the seat track cover, Disassembled left hand side of the seat to apply foam and anti rattle tape to all areas of seat track cover, Thank god the rattle is gone.
I just purchesed 08 Prius this past weekend and noticed same rattle sound coming from passanger side. I was thinking about investigating the problem until I red your post. I haven't talked with the dealer yet, do you have any recomendations? I definitely don't want to make several trip to dealership. Also could you give me the name of dealer and tech name incase someone need to explain the problem. Sam-
Same problem here. My Kids keep looking under the seat while I drive ( I don't like that one) I also would love any info to better explain this to the dealer. Janice
The dealer I used was Ed Martin Toyota in Anderson IN, According to them this is a know problem with Toyota and they should be sending out info to all dealers, if you want a easy fix till you have time to take it to the dealer roll a towel up and push it between the console and the seat and this puts enough pressure on the seat to stop the rattle. The number to the dealership is 765-642-8001 My name is Chris Hite 2008 Prius if they need to pull up the info in the computer.
I have what sounds like a plastic against Styrofoam noise, but it only does it when it's been below 0F some mornings. As soon as the heat kicks in, it stops. Is this the same thing as others are experiencing?
It was louder at coolder temps, but was still there all the time, Try to put your hand between the pass seat and console and the rattle should stop.
just bought a 04 prius in boston, costed nearly as much as a new one, front passanger seat rattles, seems like something is broken. not sure how much would cost to fix it or if it is under warranty from the dealer. the car is useless for a front passanger, nobody can stand the rattling because it is very very anoying. its a new car didnt expect this low quality from toyota
I have it as well will work on a fix on my own .As i have Wet Okole covers i thought that may help ,but no luck .I'll get to it as Toyota may make a mess of things.Some foam in the right places should do it .
Well i did get to it and my fix so far is working .I used some leftover pipe insulation from my grill block and wedge it between the plastic seat shell and the seat itself so far so good .
Interesting thread. I've noticed the passenger seat on my '08 sometimes has a slight rattle at low temperatures (or first thing in the morning) but then seems to go away as things heat up. In any case it usually won't show itself if the road paving is fairly smooth. Sounds like mine is milder than what others are experiencing, so I'll probably wait until the 5K maintenance to get it resolved, or just add some tape and foam myself. Can those of you have done this upload some photos of exactly where it needs to be applied?
I have a rattle on the passenger front door. It might have something to do with the two round beach stones and a buckeye that my wife insists on keeping in the door handle. It took me a while to figure out what was rattling, but when I did, all I could do was roll my eyes. I know better than to ask her why she keeps two round beach stones and a buckeye in the door handle. Tom
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff70/angelnva30k/SNB10138.jpg http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff70/angelnva30k/SNB10136.jpg http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff70/angelnva30k/SNB10136.jpg These Pictures should show where I found the problem to be in my 2007 Prius, its the part under where the seat track and the plastics meet. My temporary solution turned out to be a permanent one since I never got around to really fixing it. But I have to say I have never heard the rattling/plastics rubbing against each other since. I just stuck a piece of self-adhesive Velcro on one side and it works fine, you could probably cut it smaller so it wont stick out like mine.
I had the same problem with my 2006 Prius. I inserted some foam between the hard rubber and the seat material where the 2 were rubbing against each other. And the rubbing/squeeking/rattling sound went away. Dave
So happy to hear that it is not just me who has an annoying rattle near the passenger seat. I've had the car (207 prius with 9000kms) for just over a week now and it is driving me crazy! Actually what drives me even more crazy is a slight rattle in the middle of the dashboard. Anyone have a dashboard that rattles too? If I drive using my left hand and hold my right hand down on the middle of the dash it does stop - clearly not something I want to do while driving. The car is so quiet that these little problems turn in to big annoyances.
Our 2008 Prius has had the cold temp passenger seat noise since we purchased it. We finally had the time to take it by the shop. There is a TSB for this problem and it is covered by warantee. If anyone else has the same problem take it by the dealer for a quick repair. They had to order the parts so we are waiting for the actual repair. There is a TSB and they seem to know how to fix it (replacing certain parts on the seat frame I think). Cheers
I've had the same noise which I thought was coming from the front passenger door but was actually from the passenger seat. Brought it to the dealer for the third time and went for a ride with the technician and he heard it. He put some foam between two plastic pieces that were rubbing together and that seems to have stopped it. The plastic pieces were in the lower right rear of the seat track. The noise couldn't be heard when there was someone sitting in the passenger seat.