Pairing Trick - Set Prius up to where it's waiting for the phone to connect to it. Initiate setup on the Treo via the setup menus. Treo will say successfully paired, but Prius will still be hanging and waiting. Make a call immediately from the Treo. The car will pair itself to the phone.
Do you have to do that every time you enter the car with your phone and want to use it, or just once and after that the Prius will automatically connect to the Treo (that is how bluetooth is supposed to work, isn't it?)?
I don't know if it's a good thing or not that the Treo 650 works with the Prius... before I had an excuse to not get the 650 since I just got my 600 last Christmas!
I just got my Tungsten T3 and Sony Ericsson T608 last Christmas. That's what we get for always wanting the latest gadgets I guess!
Alright, I've paired up my brand new 650 to my Prius... on to the next set of questions. I would very much like to be able to dial the phone on the handset and then pick the call up with the handsfree device. Is this possible? Next, I've tried sending the address book to the car, and the Treo seems to be doing it's part, but the car is not cooperating. I go to the phone settings on the car and tap "Start Phonebook Download" (or somethingorother) once I have the Treo in a state of connecting with the Prius. The Prius just metaphorically flips me off by saying "Please check mobile device". All help is appreciated!!!
Congrats. I dial from the phone and pick up the call from the Prius all the time. AFter the "Connection Successful" message, simply dial from the phone and the Prius and pick it up. Adress book - set up the Prius to receive, and you need to send from the Treo by category (i.e. all #s in a category will be sent). Cheers. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bweston\";p=\"59597)</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pshady\";p=\"59602)</div> Can you please elaborate on how to pick up the outgoing call by the Handsfree system after dialing the number from the phone's number pad. I am desperate to be able to do so, since I have not yet been able to borrow a phone that is capable of exporting the contact list to the Prius. Thanks.
Alrighty... after getting it paired last night and unsuccessfully trying to transfer the phone book, I tried again this morning and all went well... still have to experiment cause I'm not sure it got everything, but so far so good. When I dial a number on the phone, it automatically uses the Prius connection for talking, which is also kinda cool. I don't think I can send it back to the car once I put it on headset though. More testing... Merry Christmas! bRaD
Re: Treo 650 - From Palm 1 Website My experience is this update will let your Treo 650 work with the Prius. I suspect palmOne can't say they "support" the Prius/Denso Bluetooth system until they have every feature working and tested; I notice there are still a few minor details, like the antenna strength indicator, that are not yet perfect. But I sure do appreciate the obvious effort the folks at palmOne have put into making the Treo 650 work with our Prius Bluetooth systems. I think we should thank them for continuing to improve the Treo 650, and letting them know how many Prius Nav customers they can turn into happy Treo 650 customers. /Gordon Garb <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PhilippDjang\";p=\"58225)</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ggarb\";p=\"59808)</div> I notice that the phone will not link with the car when I start up the car unless the phone is "live" (not in standby mode). Thereafter, if I get a call or make a call, the communication will work between phone and car. Also, I notice I don't have caller ID on incoming calls, which is a bummer. Might trade it in for the LG PM-325
I tried (one example of) the LG PM-325, and agree that it is an impressive-looking product, but do not attempt to use it as a telephone. 1. Sensitivity was terrible - repeatedly dropped calls in places where that just shouldn't happen. 2. Speakerphone is MONITOR ONLY (for listening to voicemail, or while on hold). 3. Feature-poor. 4. BT sounded terrible with my trusty Jabra BT-200. Even if the PM-325's BT implementation were perfectly compatible with the Prius, our car's system would probably shun it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bweston\";p=\"59810)</div> You still will not get a display of the antenna signal strength on the MFD with the LG PM-325. The MFD will not show the caller ID of an incoming call, because the phone will not ring through the car's audio system. Once you answer the call, the number will be listed in the incoming call log. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eisenson\";p=\"59817)</div> I find my PM-325's sensitivity to be quite good. I only had one dropped call, that I can remember, in just over a week of ownership. I am able to make calls from locations where my previous Sprint phone had no reception. I am not sure what features you find to be lacking. With the exception of the ability to upload the phone's contact list to the car's phone book, it has virtually every feature which I have seen promoted on just about any other camera phone on the market. Finding some of these, however, is a challenge without using the complete users' manual which is available only on the Sprint website (the guide which comes with the phone is completely inadequate). Lastly, with the exception of the three issues, that I have discussed here and elsewhere, the PM-325 is perfectly compatible with the Prius.
I agree and use the 325 with my Prius all the time. That being said, the lack of ability to upload the phonebook with names and numbers is a killer flaw. Futhermore, I dont think there is any intention of adding this function since it was never intended to do so.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mcitron\";p=\"59849)</div> I have a V710 and, of course, it won't transfer the phonebook either. But, is there ANY phone available that has that ability? I don't mean transferring one entry at a time as I would consider that a major PITA; I mean, transferring the ENTIRE phonebook from the phone to the car.
I've uploladed my phone book from the 650 to Prius, and if you have multiple entries for each contact, you can forget about having any useful information. The Phone book on the prius is sorted by first name, and any entries with multiple numbers are just useless as you can't access any of the numbers. THIS is ABSOLUTELY a Prius issue, not an issue with the Treo, unless it's the way the Palm sends out the information. I would assume the Treo is just transmitting vcf files, but I could be wrong. In any case, I also notice that I have to have the phone operating (not in sleep) for it to be recognized by the car. This kinda defeats the purpose of the Bluetooth device just "staying in my pocket".... ah well... likely returned the first of the year. :-( bRaD
bweston- I am having the same issue with contacts with multiple phone numbers. I found that I can transfer what SEEMS to be the entire contact record, but only the first contact actually makes it into the Prius phonebook. I found that one CAN manually type in another phonenumber to the Prius, but then you can't assign that number the same name as a previous contact. Ugh! To those who have figured out how to send entire categories, what's your trick? So far, I have only been able to send one contact at a time. Also, to the poster who inquired about how to use hands-free: what I've found is that all you have to do is make sure the car has recognized and set the bluetooth connection, then dial on your Treo, and when you hit dial on the Treo, the Prius automatically picks up the call from there. The only time I've ever had to actually do something is when switching FROM the Prius to the cell phone (press "cancel hands free" on the Treo while the call is still in progress). It seems (for me at least) that the default is for the Prius to carry all calls to/from inside the vehicle once the BT connection is made. Regards, Mark
Folks, Palm released a car-kit bluetooth update for the 650. The Prius does not appear to be on the list of supported configurations. I installed the patch anyway to give it a try, but it did not work for me. I get the same behavior that I did before I applied the patch (i.e. like others have posted, the Treo seems to register the car, but the car appears to be waiting for a response and never completes the link). Has anyone else gotten a different response? Dave P.S. My wife's LG PM-325 appears to work with the Prius hands-free feature, but we have not used it extensively.