Just got my first hybrid! Just bought an '08 prius a few weeks ago. Traded my '04 Stratus. Already getting double the mileage. I just put on 1,000 miles and I am loving my new high tech, planet saving, gizmo laden ride.
Hi Scotty :welcome: I hope you have a comfortable chair; there's a lot to learn and most of the information is right here. The rest is linked from threads here. Start digging!
Scotty is a good name for a Prius owner. Probably you will have a natural aptitiude for adjusting the warp conduits to get the most efficiency, as long as you have 30 minutes. "Capn', I've got to have 30 minutes!" Welcome to the club. I have had my Prius for just over a year, and it still seem "NEW" to me.
Welcome Scottyb68. Was it an easy decision getting rid of your Stratus and getting into a Prius? Congrats on the ride and start saving gas. :drum:
Thanks for the warm welcome. I do get the Scotty from Star Trek all the time. I do a fair impression too. I think that was the first thing I thought when I sat in mine for the test drive. Looked like one of those shuttle craft they use in the shows. I hadn't really planned on getting rid of the Stratus, I just wanted to see what one was like when I did the test run. I thought I'd buy one in a couple of years..... well, 20 minutes later, I'm trading in and trading up. I still can't believe the difference in ride and comfort, not to mention the gas mileage. It's been a long time since I looked forward to driving. I feel like a kid again when I'm in it. I think this site is really cool too. Thought I was buying a car, looks like I joined a cult....
On the bridge of the Enterprise. When Star Trek Phase II releases "Kitumba" I have a walk-on in the very last scene.