Re: Black or White? 20 years ago, take a chance. Now, go for the sure thing. Smash Bros Brawl or Twilight Princess?:ranger:
Re: Black or White? Neither...I prefer nice high thread count cotton sheets. Earl Grey or English Breakfast? :tea:
Re: Black or White? Too cold (easier to add clothing than to remove) Hot chocolate with minimarshmallows or with whipped cream?
Re: Black or White? Whipped cream if it's homemade, marshmallows otherwise. eating out or cooking-in?
Re: Black or White? Angel hair with garlic, olive oil, parmesan and capers. Yum! Mountain Dew or Crab Juice?
Re: Black or White? Tough one, I think I"ll go with Mountain Dew (Crab leakage is tempting) Crab legs or lobster tail?
Re: Black or White? That's a tough one, S.J. -- The tie-breaker is that I'd rather say about someone -- "What a character" Was the '49 Studebaker going forwards or backwards?? :car:
Re: Black or White? Yes. Walk on a treadmill inside and watch tv or walk outside? (Oh yeah, I think one wheel was going forwards and one was going in reverse on the Studebaker)
Re: Black or White? Weather permitting walk outside! Nothing like the real experience. Freecycle or Craigslist?