I just bought a ScanGauge II for my 2007 Prius, which mode I need to select in set up MORE>MORE>MODE? Thanks for your! Halmaden 3/10/08
You'll also want to plug in the tank size (maybe you've already done so). The ScanGauge doesn't offer decimals, so put in either 11 or 12. I think most use 11 even though that's rounding down, because the bladder in the tank takes up some room.
I have filled up 7 times in last 10 months, but never over 10 galloons due to expander inside the gas tank, will it cause problem when I check tank gauages (such as XXX mile to empty or X.X hours to empty)? Thanks, Halmaden
Halmaden, If you carefully followed the SG II manual directions on calibrating the tank in the beginning, you'll find the predictive figures quite accurate. If you didn't, you need to revisit the Manual and "start over" on the calibration. It's really quite easy. Best of luck and you'll love the Gauge... Wes
i am thinking of getting scangauge and i was wondering how you guys like it? BTW, where is the OBD plug located on 2008 prius?
I just recently got a 2008 Prius package 5, can anyone tell me why I would need the scanguage 2. Doesn't the prius already do what scanguage is capable of doing? Thanks