"China’s BYD Co Ltd., which introduced its plug-in hybrid electric vehicle technology at the North American International Auto Show in January in the form of the F6DM (Dual Mode, for EV and HEV), has introduced another, smaller model using its hybrid powertrain at the Geneva Motor Show: the F3DM." BYD Chairman: “Battery technology is our core competency, and we think we are well-placed against GM and Toyota,†Green Car Congress: Chinas BYD Unveils Second Plug-in Hybrid Model at Geneva Motor Show; Plans to Begin Sales in Europe in 2-3 Years
I wonder if they used lead paint to finish the vehicle? Lead paint seems to be a core competency. ~Buttster
If China made a car that got 500mpg, yeah right, I still wouldn't buy it, quality is inconsistent, parts are usually copied or made from stolen plans, their environmental standards are horrible, and I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE THE DAMN CHINESE any more American money than I have too. :usa2:
No offence EJFB1029, but it's Chinese goods that are already propping up your economy! Walmart alone imports more cheap Chinese goods than the entire countries of Russia, Australia or Canada and that's what's keeping your shopping costs low! If you're happy to buy a Chinese lawnmower, why not a car? People said exactly the same thing about Japanese cars thirty years ago....
if the car is cheap... and gets 110kms on 1 charge i buy it! the small model? its looks a lot like the toyota HSD setup http://bioage.typepad.com/./photos/uncategorized/2008/01/14/f6dm.png
In the sixties it was Jap Crap and in the 2000s it will be Chinese junk but in about 30 years time there will be a forum just like this with people extolling the benefits of a product of Chinese manufacture.
some more info is weights 1800kg max speed 160kmph and 70co2/km the small model also will have a 6000 dollar over standard price for the hybrid version in 3000s it wil be dust from mars
Sorry, even though you are partly right, I make it a point to not buy Chinese, big difference from the Japanese, Chinese are not environmentalists first of all, they don't contribute to the countries they sell to, they abuse, they use slave labor, they have no quality control, and on and on. I still will NEVER buy a Chinese made car, even if it was the best car in the world, which it would never be, because China will never be able to control its manufacturing quality and environmental concerns, due to an over expanding population it has to take care of also.
The japanese and german car companies have benefited greatly and indirectly from the war atrocities their countries have committed. America capitalism has historically cut every environmental corner it could get away with in the US and continues to rape 3rd world countries. But you're condemning China for using the cheap labor supply it has and because it is trying follow the financial path of both america and western europe?
hey , i paid $14000 for an EV with a TON of limitations... so ya, i dont care where it comes from (yes that also means GM ) if its a better option, i will buy it. and yes, it would have to prove itself. but i dont care who does it... JUST STOPPING TALKING ABOUT IT AND DO IT!!
"because China will never be able to control its manufacturing quality and environmental concerns..." And the "big 3" will always be the "big 3" automakers, based on their quality, their innovation, their foresight, their...oh never mind.
Much of the current American space programme uses modules and components produced by Chinese companies. Most of the computers and mobile phones used today come from China. I'd say their potential for manufacturing quality is already proven. Chinese CO2 emissions per capita: 2 tonnes. American CO2 emissions per capita: 20 tonnes. Which country has developed the world's first maglev wind turbine, allowing more efficient operation at lower cost? China. Which country has planned to install 30 GW of wind power by 2020? China. Which country's government has committed to law the installation of almost 50 GW of renewable energy by 2020? China. Which country has already installed enough solar-hot water panels to provide the equivalent energy of 40 nuclear power generators? China. Where are battery-electric buses already being manufactured and used? China. Which is the only country in the world to have a commercial high-speed (350 mph) electric maglev train with intentions to expand this network instead of internal flights? China. Where are the high-tech next-generation batteries being made at a cost that will bring about the PHEV and EV revolution? China. America can claim none of these things.
very well illustrated point Clett.... just as it took decades for the japanese to overcome the quality stigma, the chinese will be faced with the same and they know it. that is why i expect very good things from them in this field. they know that unless the product is measurably better than the current options, they havent got a chance to succeed. so they will succeed either on extremely low prices, or extremely good quality, hopefully, it will be a combination of both
and wy is the air pollution so hi in china? there are drastic measures taking by the china government for the Olympic games taking place in that country
Because there's 1.3 billion chinese. But they tried(not successfully though) fix that with the one child policy(something that americans have criticized as violating human rights). So they are damned if they do and are damned if they don't.
air pollution is bad in China because they were not doing the right thing... they realized it and are taking steps to correct it... its the latter part of that statement, the US struggles with
Because they are still using their age old systems. Burning coals. However, unlike the Bush administration... they are embracing new technologies/philosophies about how to improve their ecosystem. They have hired many American Environmental Engineers to China to help design/build future sustainable energy and construction projects. The Chinese Government are certainly not like the Bush Administration asking to stop all environment projects and call for more studies (and changed scientists results).... while at the same time, use our tax money to pad the oil producers to keep them in business. I am anti-Chinese Communist Government... and I can see more productive things coming forth from them than our Bush Administration. Unfortunely, this is going to be true either it be Republican or Democrats. I want a real people's party. Not these two NASCAR like sponsored parties.
i have never been a fan of communism and never will, but the chinese also set records for the scope of various construction projects and the speed at which they are implemented and completed... around here, not a chance in hell of even doing in twice the time... too much red tape