I have the V710 from vzw and 2004 prius. When I'm on a call everything is fine. when a second call comes in (call waiting), both calls are dropped! It happens everytime. Anyone experience this? Is this a phone or prius issue? anyone else able to take a second call with another phone?
Hmmm, interesting... I don't know that I've ever had a second call come in while on the phone in my Prius..may have to set up an experiment to see what happens. I'm curious to know if this was an odd coincidence in your case, something common to every phone, or just another limitation of the v710's Bluetooth.
On the Motorola phones I have had (720, 600, V3) I have had to make sure that I not use the auto-answer feature in the car settings. Call waiting is ok. This means that all calls will need to be answered manually but is far better than having the active caller blown away when another call comes in. Unfortunately, there is no way of switching between calls like you can on the phone in the Prius MFD.
Well, the reason I pick on Call Waiting is the tone you can hear while talking, which used to disconnect modems for dial-up Internet users. A phone that auto-answers a call while another call is in progress just sounds silly...
I turned my V710 back in to Verizon after one week. It was a dog. Motorola has many options turned off on that phone including sending the phone book from the phone to the car. My first gripe was receiving a notification "beep" that I received a call but missed it...even though I never received the call. :guns: What a phone.
http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/p_forum.php?p=475 indicates Verizon is making inroads on providing a useful V710. http://www.v710.org/forums/ looks useful too. Some of the phones Cingular is selling look GOOD, but if the V710 isn't too expensive come May, and these fixes work out, I may stick around. One thing, though: supposedly Verizon defeated loading MP3s from the memory card, to 'prevent piracy'. That may be an issue if I can't put ANY of my songs on the phone for any purpose without paying Verizon to phone them in...