I haven't found much info that compares the Dension and VAIS iPod/iPhone interfaces to each other, as much as I've waded through all the threads. Can anyone comment on any of these questions? * Do they both work with the iPhone? * Do they offer the same level of integration of the iPhone with with the MFD and steering wheel controls? * Is one any easier to install than the other? * I read on one post where someone said that their VAIS setup KILLED their iPhone! Yikes! Is this true? * On both companies websites, they don't emplicitly support the iPhone... does anyone know about the future products "in the pipeline" from either vendor? Oh - and any other info on either product and the iPhone would be greatly appreciated, comparative or not. Thanks! Dave
I have no experience with Vais, but I would avoid DICE. They produce buggy hardware/software and while they work to resolve issues, you need to send the unit back for updates. This was my experience from over a year with a DICE HD unit and if you check the forums here, people are still experiencing the same problems.
It is impossible for our unit to "kill" an iPhone. We are and always have been the premier integration kit for Toyota and Lexus, and are 100% compatible with all iPods. With our unit you will get full display and full control through your touch screen and steering wheel. All your playlists will show up as folders and you have the ability to browse your folders and files via MFD. We also have phenomenal audio quality and offer a 30 day guarantee on all of our units.
I don't see anything on your website to confirm that the VAIS device works with the 2010 Prius. I have a 2005 with your device which works perfectly, and am considering upgrading to a 2010 Prius, and want to install the VAIS in that. To the OP, I've had the VAIS installed for 3 1/2 years, and never had any problems whatsoever. Does exactly what they advertise, and extremely well at that. My only issue was when Apple changed the plugs associated with the iPod, and I needed to get a new connector from VAIS. Took about 2 days to get to me, and 15 minutes to install, and I was back to charging the new iPod I'd bought at the same time as listening. I'd highly recommend them to anyone who wants an integrated solution to iPod. Bruce