I traded in my 14 mpg Expedition on Tuesday and picked up a 2008 Spektra Blue Mica Prius. So far I love it but I'm only getting 42mpg after about 350 miles. I'm in Southern California where temps have been in the 70's. Half of the driving has been on interstate 15 which has some pretty steep hills in the area that I'm driving. Even in the city that I live in (Temecula), I'm still averaging around 42mpg. Any suggestions on how to improve my mileage?
you'll get the hang of it... watch the leadfoot and you'll be fine. use the downhills to charge up (you can downshift to B to gain a little battery boost).
Holy cupcakes, batman!! Okay, I confess, I've not been there since 1974... but, wow... that's a bit bigger than I remember!!
Welcome to PriusChat, you Jarhead-Swabbie! MPG improves as the car and driver break in. And hills can really kill MPG. Just remember you're getting three times better milage than you were before, and in more comfort! There are several Knowledge Base articles on improving your MPG. Search (third link from the right, above) is your friend.