I'm fairly new so I missed the last one but would be interested in the next one. Where do you all typically meet up at? Cheers, -- cf_coder
In the past, we've tried to scatter it around the Valley. Either meeting up at a restaurant, or we try to plan someplace fun. If I'm gonna plan one, I'd go someplace around the 101/202 interchange, like that new Tempe Marketplace. & we've found weekends to be easiest for everyone. Some saturday, I'd love to meet up at the Pavilions Car show off Indian Bend (Saturday Mid-afternoon - think it's like 3pm) I'd love to get some feedback before I start to plan anything, but I'm thinking Saturday, March 22nd But you're also in Chandler, so if there's only a few of us & we are all close by we can do where-ever!
Well, I was tempted to give up, since I was the only one to show to the last meeting! Something at the 101/202 interchange is good for me. So is the car show. :thumb:
We're in to meet other prius owners! We're located in Mesa, so fairly flexible with a meeting place Nick and Teresa
Ok, then I'm going to set something up! The Phoenix March Gathering will be held @ Scottsdale Pavilions (by the McDonald's off Indian Bend & the 101) Saturday, March 22nd, 2008 4:00pm Just look for the tall red-head with the big black camera! I drive a Grey Touring with Grey rims & a hot pink flip-flop decal on the back (of course if I back in, you won't see that) I'll try to find a section where we can all park (hopefully!) It's a Classic Car show, so come & have some fun! Meet some Prius owners & enjoy the weather!
I will certainly try to make it as well. Now.. damnit, I will have to wash and detail the car... See what you just went and made me do!!!! You just guaranteed that it will rain... Cheers, cf_coder
If it makes you feel any better I need to wash mine too. It's been months! But don't wash it until the week of, I don't want it raining yet! Looking forward to meeting ya'll! Even if no1 shows, I'll still have fun!
You all realize that is Easter weekend? With it that far away (I'm in the Northwest valley) and with out of town realatives in town I doubt I'll make it.
I'm probably the least religious person around but still religiously eat at least one reeses peanut butter egg. I can always work that into easter weekend.
Nope I didn't realize that, probably because I don't celebrate Easter (Expect like Kabin!). I just picked the only weekend I'm here. If you can't make it, you can't make it.
I saw your picture in the member pictures thread - such a cute one of you & your hubby! (Not that I'll be looking for you in 2 weeks, I just stumbled on this thread and plan to be a long ways away then. Altho there was once a possibility of visiting some friends in Phoenix over spring break, but that won't happen...)
Sorry, I'm not going to be able to make it on the 22nd. :-( I'll have to catch up with you all at the next one...
Hello holly, Thank you for the information. I would be happy to meet everyone at Pavilions on the 22nd. Is that still a go? either way I will be there. Harris
I'm brand-new to a Prius and to a chat room, so I hope I'm doing this correctly, but I will be at the meetup on Saturday in my 2008 brown #2 Touring Prius. - Bobbie in Scottsdale.
Hey Bobbie, welcome to PC! I'm Going to be there a little before 4pm. So I'll see ya'll there! Cant wait! IF you cant seem to find me you can call 602.717.4991!
Kudos to Holly for organizing this one! :clap2: We had a good turnout with 6 Prii plus some others that didn't park with us but stopped by nonetheless. My photo was taken after Bobbi left, which is why there is a gap in the lineup. Now, if we can talk the Phoenix Electric Car Association into showing up at the meet as well...that would be cool!
I second that thought . . . . Thanks Holly! It was a pleasure to meet other Prius owners and we look forward to future gatherings. Teresa