"only" 55 here -- but interesting to see the Prius / Harley combo's. My (other) fun vehicle is 1990 Miata. zum-zum. :dance:
OK, so far you have the prize. Congratulations! :first: (Awarding of this trophy should be considered temporary, pending identification of one or more of your elders. ) Any others??
I'm sure there are Prius owners out there that are much older than me. We had a poll last year and I wasn't even close to the oldest. I had to laugh at the comment about getting tired of having to kick start a Harley. Hell, the last one I owned had a stick shift, foot clutch and a kick starter.
my Dad is will be 80 April 10th... he lurks here, and SAID he was gonna register... right now he is in Bahamas on a cruise for a few weeks. (2nd wedding anniversary) so maybe he hasnt seen this. maybe i will email him
Looks like I'm [at least] in the 'advanced echelon' at 78 y.o. Bought my first Prius [2004 bought on eBay] at age 74, traded for my 2007 Touring at age 76. Love the Prius. ... I use the saved gas dollars to help pay for my prescriptions...
Congrats being retired in lovely Port Perry, Ontario. Used to go fishing on Lake Scugog there, but I understand you can walk on the weeds there now.