i was watching fox news and they were talking about the winner of britains got talent. so i went to you tube and watched this chubby semi unkempt, crooked toothed guy on his inital performance before simon and the gang. they asked what he was going to do and he quietly said opera. at that point eyes rolled heads sunk etc. and then....he sang. simon was stunned and amazed to say the least. the lady in the middle was crying. it was phenominal!i then watched the semis and then the finale. fantastic! im not good at the computer so i did not provide a link but it is on you tube. brought tears to my seyes. the beauty of his voice and simplicty of his life and delivery. i immediately ordered his cd. was i unusual in the way he affected me? it was lovely. on fox he had a real suit, his teeth were fixed, he had backup voices but he remained the quiet shy like personage that overwhelmed the british audience.watching and hearing simons reactions is worth it all.opcorn:
Yeah, I've seen that video. NBC had it, I think, on the Today Show a few months ago. I bring it up on YouTube from time to time to show friends. It's still impressive to watch. I'm not a big "Idol" fan at all, but I agree it was fun to watch Simon's response -- at the beginning when he had his usual smug "Alright, let's get this over with so we can try to find real talent" expression, and then the 180 degree reversal of course.
I've seen it too. Paul Potts has a natural gift but still needs training. I fear the sudden success will make him skip this step. Even professional opera singers still retain vocal coaches. He has had training, but from my view of the video, he could still use some more to be truly outstanding. BTW I have a bachelor's in music with a vocal major so I have a little knowledge (and a good ear) in this area. I think it would be fair to compare him to Lanza, rather than Caruso. He's no Pavarotti.
Yes, it was a great TV moment. In many ways as great as seeing Michael Jackson's performance of Billie Jean on Motown's Anniversary special, which Martin Scorsesee once said sent chills down his spine. Here's the video we're talking about:
well taken. i think he sounds a little like (forgive my spelling) baracelo. sang the same songs. even though i agree with you, there is still sometning in my un trained ear that really latches on to him warats and all so to speak.
I'm not an opera fan, but yes, his voice exceeded all expectations. I bought my wife the cd for Christmas. Her musical tastes are far more sophisticated than mine.
I thought it was very bad form for the audience to begin clapping and cheering before he was finished singing.
I'm told Paul won the whole contest! His CD is wonderful, also. How could he have achieved such such a high level of excellence and be that unsure of himself? Imagine what a little professional voice training will do! A gem, indeed.
daniel, i felt that the audience was so moved that they just had no choice but to express themselves. its like they were just so moved that it came naturallly. wanting to hear but just soooooo impressed. having such a strong voice so close just pulled them out of their seats and onto their feet.
sonny you are right on. its funny im not a big opera fan and have no earthly idea waht they are saying but i can be moved to tears just by the beauty of the voices especially when they are so melodic. i do absolutely hate it when those big booming voices try to sing something like jingle bells or some other innocuous little tune. sounds awful and too powerful, but in their milleu nothing can beat them.
More likely the audience at this kind of show is a pack of ignorant morons of the type who scream when a rock star sings. They recognized the quality of this guy's voice, but really didn't want to hear a whole three minutes of opera, so applauded and cheered to shut him up. The woman on the panel made a comment at the end to the effect that she didn't expect such a beautiful voice to come from such a common face. These folks live in a culture where singers become popular on their looks rather than their voices, so they are genuinely surprised that in the world of classical music it's your voice, and not your face, that matters. Idiots, idiots, idiots! And rude idiots at that.
Dude. If you are being serious, you are just showing your ignorance. This was only an audition for Simon Cowell's Britain's Got Talent TV show. Just like American Idol, this show does not discourage the audience from showing their appreciation during the performance - especially during the early preliminary rounds. Could you imagine an auditorium full of nothing but tight lipped 'daniels' sitting on their hands???? :blink:-_-:huh: The TV shows would be canceled the next day. By the way, Paul Potts is in the middle of his North American leg of his World Tour. If daniel want's to listen to him in person with a quiet audience, now's a good chance. Paul Potts Tour Dates and Ticket Information From His Biggest and Best Fan Site
ouchh ouch ouch. poor daniel. play nice guys. or as that shining example of humanity, reginald king, would say "cant we all get along??"
Yes absolutely Daniel and to clap at the end with more than 2 fingers was just uncalled for I think. Did you see how the audience reacted to Connie? Take a look, if you feel it so important to refrain from being moved by a performer then you will love the audience reaction to this, well at least until she finishes singing then your going to be disappointed. One wonders why people think opera is pompous and irrelevant.
you were right again, my aussie friend. i had not seen that clip of connie before. what a gutsy little gal!!boy, the brits have a lot of talent on their show.
Okay. I don't have a TV so I've never seen American Idol. From your comment I assume it's a talent show. Yes, I am ignorant of television. Why do you think I would be disappointed that the audience saves its applause until Connie has finished? And why do you think I would consider applause (at the end!!!) to be bad? I applaud vigorously after a good performance. After. (Or, in classical music, at the end of a movement or song.)
My orthodontist would love to have Paul Potts as a patient. He would do wonders with that crooked smile. Harry