3. Whenever choosing a toll booth or parking check out lane, it doesn't matter how many cars are in front of YOU, cause the traffic gods will inevitably make your lane the longest wait.(this is true for costco checkout lines)
4. No matter how thick the fog, or heavy the snowstorm, there will always be drivers who don't know enough to put their lights on. Harry
A common theme amongst all proposed so far: 8. Murphy is always your passenger, so plan for and expect the worst.
10. No matter which side your gas fill is on, when you pull in for gas all "your side" pumps will be in use.
11. As George Carlin said: "Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac".
Anyone in person that could not stand to see the graphiic carnage of a collision will rubberneck to see one on the freeway.
13. Do not drive next to the sets of double wheels on 18-wheel trailer trucks. A malfunction in the truck's air brake system can lead to overheating and explosion of a tire. That's where those chunks of sidewall and tread on the roadway come from. More importantly, if you are next to the tire when it blows, the explosion can blow out your windows on the truck side. In the concurrent noise and confusion, this is followed immediately by thousands of little cubes of broken glass flying throughout the interior. (A genuinely terrifying experience.)