Ok, before the gripes begin, I did some extensive searches here and on the web before I even thought of asking some of the questions I'm about to ask. Please bear with me, I don't even own a Prius yet! I'm still in the looking-test drive mode of shopping for a new car. So I have questions, and the only stupid question is one you don't bother to ask. I know my way around cars, with a few exceptions I can fix, replace, repair almost anything. Car electronics and electrical systems are not new to me. I can use a meg meter and other testing equipment quite well. Tearing into a "new" car to add or remove components doesn't bother me, unless it could be come a warranty or safety issue. That all said, here I go.... 1) How's the sound system in the Prius, all of them from the stock bottom of the line on up? 2) What about installing an aftermarket (radio) system, I'm talking about replacing the head unit only. I have a very strong feeling the "display system" tuning would not longer function? Haven't found anything in the way of an after market system that would run a separate display screen. Anyone know of a head unit with a video output? (Crutchfield was no help, only due to them not having heard of a system that would work or anyone doing this type of aftermarket install..) 3) Adding the JDM "EV" switch, worth the hassle? It be nice to run on electric power, but I've read the discussions of this voiding the warranty, due to excessive strain on the battery because it's cycling more. (And no, I wouldn't take it out -EV switch- then complain to the dealership of a problem.) One reason I'd do this, is the commute the car would make is only 16 miles round trip, but most of it is at high way speeds. 4) Are things like the aftermarket body brace and strut braces really needed on this car? I have beefed up the sway bars and installed front and rear strut braces on my Honda Civic, running stock size tires and rims, and it's made a noticeable improvement. But I drive the Civic hard at times, nothing like a good windy road, windows open, stereo system blasting.... you get the idea. The Prius would not be driven in this manner at least not until it's paid off. So would it be worth the fairly easy installs and money? Sure I'll think of some more things as time passes, but for now thank you all for your time and effort in answering my questions.
Squid. This salty old dog has a base package '08 and I am not impressed by the sound at all. I understand the JBL package sound is better, but you might want to wander through the Audio & Electronics forums and see what others have deemed necessary. I've wanted the EV switch a couple of times whilst moving around parking lots and such, but other than that, it's pretty useless-- one mile range electric-only and hell on the mileage after the fact. The Prius isn't going to drive like a racecar. Personally I haven't had any issues with the way mine drives, but it's been better than ten years since I drove a racer. Stiffening the chassis will help mileage somewhat, but whether it's worth the expense or not is up to you.
Then you're gonna have a blast with the Prius...lots of fun stuff to play with. I've got the JBL and it's adequate for my tastes. There audiophiles hate it. Some have added an amp and/or new speakers with satisfactory improvement. Base response is pretty bad, even to my non-audiophile ear. It can be done, but not easily and you'll lose integration into the MFD. As above, many start with adding an amp, sub, and new speakers rather than replacing the head unit and that's pretty doable. The Prius is not an EV. The EV button is fun and if you're a tinkerer you should add a simple momentary switch to start with and see if you think it's worth the expense to install the OEM version of the button. But it's not "worth it" for most people...it's fun, it has some uses, but driving on electic power only is not one of the useful purposes...believe it or not. It's certainly not necessary to have those things, but there is noticable body roll. The touring suspension is supposed to be better than the OEM (I haven't driven a touring). Again, buy the car, drive it, see what you think. Half the reason I've installed my stabilizer and am adding the strut supports next week is for fun, but anything that helps make my car a little better makes me happy...but the car will satisfy 99% of people with no mods of this sort at all. It's why we're here.
Hi Sparrow..., If your used to driving a minivan, SUV or other such vehicle, the Prius will be little different, and maybe a bit better in its road feedback. But coming from smaller to small cars, which usually have better than average road feedback, I found the Prius lacking. So, I put on a BT Tech plate, and now its just fine. Some people go even further with all sorts of aftermarket braces. My specific problem with the car was that there was a back end wiggle which masked what the rear tires were doing. This made it difficult to know the status of rear end orientation, which is important in counter-steering for side loads. I also thought the car understeered in reverse camber situations, mostly in left hand sweeping turns (like through a left turn light at speed on to a steeply crowned road). With the BT Tech plate, its just like a normal front wheel drive small car, and these issues are gone. The wiggle period and duration are so short and the amplitude so small, I do not even notice it any longer. And the car tucks in during left hand turns to the point of scrubbing the tires. Other people have found satisfactory results with alignments that set the toe-in slightly positive, but still in spec, alone. The spec allows negative toe for some reason. Do both that and the BT Tech plate, and all will be well.
Preview Re: Confused but not dazed... Quote: Originally Posted by Dngrsone Squid. Yup, I'm a proud old "Squid", Served on the Carrier USS Independence CV-62 from Mar 80 to Oct 83. Had a feeling the stock sound system would not be up to par. most aren't, even the top of line stuff. Guess I'll just have to wait and see. The EV switch from what I've read, just doesn't seem to be worth installing for me. Around town most of the roads are 40 mph. Only time it could pay off is while driving in NYC, in which case the car would be doing stop and go using the battery anyway. I don't expect it to handle like a race car and I don't intend to drive it that way. Most smaller cars I've driven could use a bit of tightening up. Again this is a wait and see issue. Thank you for your response.
Sound system will more than likely get upgraded speakers, maybe an amp if the bass response is not to my liking. EV button (switch) doesn't sound like a worthwhile upgrade, don't think I'd get much use out of it. Definitely going to have to drive the Prius a bit before doing any type of suspension or frame stiffening mod's. Touring suspension should help somewhat, I'll have to see if I can test drive a model with that package. Thanks for your response.
I've driven may a Van, large 18 pass. and some of the smaller 'mini' vans. Nothing compares to body roll as with a Jeep CJ-7. So while I am very aware of the inherited problems with these type of vehicles I don't over drive them. Although my '03 VW Eurovan (weekender package, i.e. camper with a pop up top.) handles, tracks, and rides exceptionally well, body roll is very slight. But on a small car such as a Honda Civic, I want more "stick" the car should track as if it were on rails. My Civic has beefed up sway bars front and rear, strut braces front and rear, all self installed. Only thing is I run very stock type tires and rims (14" instead of 13"), knowing better, wider rims and better tires (runs on Coopers) would make improvements. If, and this is a small if, the Prius tends to have the back end break loose, the mod's will be in order! Sounds like I could very well be installing the BT Tech Plate, I don't need the rear end "wiggle" or under steer. Scrubbing tires are another no-no for me, upgraded struts or stiffer springs could be in the car's future. Thanks for your response.
Well, you must have been part of the last crew on the Coral Sea, she has a great history of an ole gal! Way to go shipmate!
Confused but not dazed... (Part Two) Ok, I've driven our Prius for about 500 (mostly highway) miles at this point. I have no complaints about the handling, the ride seems fairly smooth. I haven't "twisted" it into or out of any corners yet, I'm going to give the tires a bit more time to break in. But having taken some exit ramps a little hard, the Prius handles very well. So, I'll put the stiffing brace on hold for now. JBL sound system is adequate, I will agree with the consensus here that the Bass response is a bit lacking. Changing the amp and using some better speakers could solve the problem, again any changes will be put on hold for now. Couple of things that are problematic for me. The Blue tooth set up took a bit of doing, but I managed to set up both our cell phones after a bit of trying. Problem is that this system is not totally hands free. The voice command will not dial by saying things like 'call home' or 'call Pizza Place', I've had to say the numbers in order for it to be totally hands free. Not such a big deal for me as I don't really use cell phones to much. Bigger problem for the wife, she likes her cell phone a lot. Switching from one phone to another takes a bit of doing, really wish this system could recognize the phone in use and switch itself to that phone with out any type of manual input. Navigation system, works very well as compared with my old Garmin and our Tom Tom. (The Tom Tom is far easier to use than the other systems.) I'd like to use this system while moving and haven't had any luck trying to bypass the safety feature that will not allow this. (I could always just stick the Tom Tom on the Nav screen..) It's been cold here, mid 30's low 40's so the ICE kicks in a bit more. I know when the warmer temps finally arrive the gas mileage will improve. I did manage to drive around our block (a bit over one mile) on just the motors power, pretty cool and oh so very quite! I'm still impressed by the car and I'm enjoying it. I've had a few positive comments on the Silver Pine Mica color. Custom plates are coming soon, (two weeks for the paperwork parts, up to four weeks for the plates themselves!) they'll be related to our dogs. NYS EZ pass green tag is one of the next things to be ordered along with the LIE green stickers. Might as well take advantage of every little perk that New York State offers!
Last two cruises... at 44 years she was in far better shape than the America was when that ship was retired, let me tell you. How's your mileage in that coldness?