I asked the dealer about an update for the Nav disks and was told that it would cost $240/$250 so decided to wait a year or so. Now I just got a letter from Toyota with my specific VIN for a free upgrade citing customer complaints of poor accuracy in "certain"areas. This is a good thing, right? The offer is good through December 2005 so I'm wondering if it would be sensible to wait as long as possible to get the update - assuming that it's a continuing process - or do it now. Does anyone know if there is some schedule for Nav updates to ensure the optimum time for the change? I've not noticed any really big problems with the Nav database in the DC area except that it doesn't know how to get round the infamous "mixing bowl" interchange. But then it's a constantly changing complex and even regular drivers get lost there!
I haven't heard if Toyota will send the latest DVD, or stick with the 4.2 version for the freebee. If I recall, there has already been 3 updates for the '05 Prius, the latest so far being 4.2
It’s not a continual process. Regardless of the particular version (4.x and such) Toyota will replace with, map database and software updating and testing have passed production deadlines and all DVD mastering has been completed. So if I understand your question correctly, it makes no difference at all if you get your particular DVD on the first or last day of its release.
Sure it might. The '05 vehicles themselves have gone through 2 or 3 revisions alone, and that's in only 3 months. We could be at revision 4.9 by the time next Christmas comes around.
My NAV update letter came Dec. 21. No others expected, as my Prius was one of the last of the 2004 model year (built in August). I will be one of those who wait until late 2005 for the Nav update.
I'm about to go in for my 10k service, and I want to knock out all the necessary recall / service bulletin fixes at once (gas gauge thingy, NAV whatsit, and brake light doodad). Since my NAV software hasn't been problematic where I live, I was planning on waiting until late 2005 for that upgrade in order to get the latest greatest sw revision. I just got off the phone with the 800-number listed above, and the tech told me that the map software is generally only updated approximately every two years, and I might as well do it now, since a new rev probably won't come out until at least 2006. Does that track with what you all have heard?
Nope. Thus far, we know that there have been 5 revisions during 2004 and 2005 MY production (versions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, and 4.2).
Yea, but maybe the detail of what changed in those revisions is the trick. If the map SOFTWARE hasn't changed all this time, then the tech is probably correct. The map DATA seems to be the biggest issue with people, although when I'm told to turn left when I need to turn right, and the data-based map shows my destination IS on the right, the software does need to come up with a good excuse...
I have a 05 Prius and live in Montana about 100 mi les from the Canadian border. The navigation system shows the Canadian flag all the time. Also. I live in a rural area and the maps aren.t real accurate or current, but it isn't a big problem. I do still wonder why it diplays the Canadian flag all the time.
See if your search area is set to "Canada" or 3 (includes Montana). This is done using the Dest button next to your screen, and the Change "switch" on the upper left of the resulting screen. Or perhaps you could tell us exactly where the screen displays the Canadian flag for you.
If the incorrect turn is on your last street, its the address data that's wrong. The way the data is presented for addressing, the NAV has to interpolate the address location which, if the range is too long, will be off.
I brought my car into Toyota of Orange (So cal) for it's 5K oil change (at 42$ I hope the oil has ground up Caviar or something as expensive in it!) I asked them not to order my Nav DVD as I will want to wait deep into 2005. Well today I get a voice mail that my Nav DVD is in and they can install it for me!! So now what. I wonder, if I don't take it now will their database show that I'm already upgraded when I return later in 2005?!? Ron
Lots of good input here, guys. What a great web site! I think I'll wait until later in 2005 to get the best shot at the latest update - just hope I don't forget by the time next December rolls around - but then I could enter it on the calendar in the car so it would remind me. Is this car cool or what?