Actually, I find it very quiet. Have you tried to isolate where it is coming from? Most windows will whistle if they are partially cracked open. Sometimes the window doesn't have to look cracked open to be open. Try opening and closing the window again when you get a chance -- make sure you hear the window seat itself into the gasket.
I always drive from the driver's side ... but no whistle. Are you sure all of your windows are closed?
What an interesting way to put this timely subject! You see, I actually drive my Prius from the passenger side while I'm working. So, most of my miles are sitting on the right. BTW, it's easy, after you remove that little console. But, getting to the whistle. Yesterday my 2005 Prius sort of went into meltdown. Took it into the dealer late Saturday so I won't know what's going on until tomorrow. Some of the symptoms were: Loss of power. Loss of brakes. Loss of power steering. And the car started whistling. Maybe it was just trying to be brave, but it was not the "Colonel Bogey March"
Tom, I think your whistling could be a hydraulic whine. Regular cars have hydraulically actuated brakes and power steering powered by a master cylinder which can go bad or your fluid could be contaminated (and it loses some of the importand fluid properties the car relies on). I'm not sure where the Prius has hydraulics yet but someone with more Prius mechanical experience should be able to help you out.
Is it possible you have window vents installed? Our other Toyota was making a noise by one of the rear windows with the window vent which was due to the window vent plastic frame pinching in the window opening and not letting the window close 100%. Just a guess, hope you can get it fixed soon.
There were a rash of complaints about whistling a few years ago. It was found to be caused by a screw hole in the underside of the mirror. Check and see if there is an open hole there, as I remember the fix was a piece of scotch tape over the hole.
Well, tell your other half to stop it or you will kick him/her out. Usually works pretty good and you don't need to take it to the dealer to have them do it.
yeah, I thought it was the rubber surrounding the window. In the winter rubber tends to tighten up. I think it is coming from the mirror, the winds hits it and it makes that annoying whistle. will try, thanks!
I have 2000 m on my new baby, and I have noticed the same thing. It seems to be coming from the driver's side mirror. Not bad with the windows up, but it wa 75 here in SoCal yesterday, and its pretty annoying w/ the windows down. I thought it might be due to the slight gap in the mirror housing due to them being folding mirrors, but I'll have to look for this wole tonight....
I had the dreaded whistle from the rear-view mirror, too. There are some small screws on the bottom of the mirror, and the covers fall off of them eventually (sooner rather than later, especially after you wash your car). Put a piece of scotch tape over the hole(s) and the whistle will stop. Been there, done that.
What was the outcome of this? It sounds like you had a general loss of 12V power - perhaps the DC to DC converter in the inverter failed? Patrick Wong