I have an '07 Prius. I had been using Exxon and was satisfied with 45-50 mpg. Then a funny thing happened. New gas at Exxon a couple of weeks ago, and it went to 35 mpg. I went to Toyota and told them there must be something wrong, maybe one spark plug failed? I had needed a checkup anyway, and they did it. They found nothing wrong. I thought "well here we go again with them not finding what's the matter". They told me there's a fuel addition gas companies use in the colder weather. It should take down my mpg maybe 5%. Well I got my Exxon gas again and again, and it stayed at about 35 mpg. Then on a trip I needed gas. Amoco was there and I filled it up. The mpg returned to 50 mpg. I figure I got bad gas from the Exxon stations nearby my house. And I figure they gyped me out of about $30 for 3 fillups. No wonder their chairmen retire with a package of $600 millions. Where do I get my refund? The three Exxon Stations are at Secaucus on Rte 3, East bound (2), and Westbound (1). All gave bad gas.
Are you sure it is the gas? What about temperature and or tire pressure? They can have much more effect on MPG than the fuel you use.
I don't think anything at all was different. And the change of mpg was imstantaneous, easily visible within a couple of miles away from the gas station.
Funny, I thought it was a bit outrageous comment until it hapen to me last week. I put some gas o a Valero station in rt 130 I received 53 mpg for several days( 123 miles). Then I fillied up with Gulf and in a matter of 18 miles my mpg went to 66.7 for the first 18 miles. I do know that is was not my imagination when I saw the 67.8 mpg. Just keep an eye on the gas. ps. Yes I was driving slow to achive that type of mph
Just FYI. I haul gasoline for my job. It does not matter which station you go to it all comes from the same place. Sometimes gas stations will add some of there own detergents to the gas after it's been delivered. Sometimes when the gas stations tanks get low you might get some dirty gas, Run a bottle of fuel injector cleaner and it will help out.
Check the pump for "ETHANOL" sticker. Many stations are using ethanol added now. There should be a sticker on the face of the pump which says ETHANOL ADDED if it has been. I only buy Exxon, Sunoco or Shell unless I am stuck. For example, my worst tank ever was Getty. Also check your tires. Have you been driving shorter trips? That will also make a big difference if the system does not have a good 15 minutes to warm up. Don't be discouraged- look at your averages over the month or two. There are many threads in the fuel economy forums about this.
We use Getty or Citgo gas regularly. We have been getting a consistent 53 MPG here between Flemington and Somerset and around Hunterdon County for the past few months (with grill blocking). Tomes