I've seen a few seniors hop on board PriusChat recently, and it got me to thinking: Who's the oldest PC member out there? A thread from a little over a year ago asked who the oldest Prius driver might be. 94 was tops, though not a PC member. One of the respondents checked in at 80 (Genalex, you still with us?), but I'm curious to know who our oldest member might be.
well the oldest Priuschat member would be Danny, since he was here first.... oh!! never mind... bit confused here... must be that Alzheimer's kicking in!
err, I don't think he means the longest time being a member of PC ... rather whose first birth date is farthest back in time, to be as ridiculously narrowly precise as possible There is at least on person on here who mentioned being in their 70's.
err . . . if we are going to be "as ridiculously narrowly precise as possible" . . . shouldn't you be responding to DaveinOlyWA's post, and not mine? I was just pointing out that Danny is PC member #2. DaveinOlyWA was the one jokingly equating membership number to human chronological age. I was just pointing out Danny's status of apparently not being PriusChat member #1 . . . even though he is the founder. Go figure.
I am 74 years young and enjoy my Prius. My wife drove a Honda Civic Hybrid until I brought my 2007 Prius home. Now we have 2 silver package 5s and love them both.
Well, at 71 solar orbits and counting, I know I'm a member of a minority age-group here on Priuschat, but I recall several posters on various threads with more mileage than that. I bought my Prius last September, must have been one of the first 2008 models. I figured that by now Toyota would have all of the potential model bugs fixed. I really didn't appreciate all of the technical refinements that went into the engineering of this car, until after buying it, driving it and reading the wealth of info on this and other web-sites. I'm a retired aerospace engineer, and the more I've learned, the more I admire the sheer elegance of this engineering gem. The guys at Toyota rightfully deserve the accolades they have received. ron
wow! very imprseive. that is a beauty. i stand i awe. my harley is a little violent. vrod. u cant beat beautifully done classic scoots like yours. its also nice to be phyically in shape enough to scoot.
Prius backed up by a C6 Corvette 65 years old and still racing my Vette occasionally; however, must admit that I truly enjoy driving the Prius.