My Camry has 187,000 miles on it. It needs a new catalytic convert that's going to cost me $575. The car is only worth $1700. It's time to buy a new car. I have been interested in the Prius for some time now, so it's on my list of cars I'm considering. I've test driven a Prius before. There's one thing that bothers me. It really bothers me. That is the spoiler on the rear window. What bothers me about it is that when you look through the rearview mirror, you don't see a contiuous sheet of glass. You see some glass, then a "black line" where the spoiler is, and then the rest of the rear window. I should be able to have a clear, unobstructed view out my rear window. My question is: can this be removed? I know this will hurt the gas mileage and aerodynamics. I don't care about one or two miles per gallon. I'm not sure if I can get used to the spoiler. This may be a deal breaker for me. Thanks in advance for your help. Justin
It can be removed but you wont gain any viewable area. See the link below for a picture. That spoiler being there really helps block the lights of the cars behind you. I was able to get used to it and I think you can to. Good luck!
I think you'd get used to it, Justin. It's really not that big a deal, and even has some advantages. You could remove it, but you wouldn't gain any glass area, because there's no glass under it. If you bought a Prius with a back-up camera, you likely wouldn't be looking out the back window much anyway.
Yes, like The Force said, you can remove it but will not gain visibility; because, among other things, there's an interior piece that's just as big, and which together with the exterior spoiler, houses the center brake light, wires, etc., and which I think is structural in nature. True, rear visibility on the Prius does stink: The spoiler part splits the rear window, and although you can see below the spoiler, the spoiler does block some things and at minimum, distracts the eye. In addition, there are effectively huge rear quarter panels/pillars which block your view of the rear corners. However, I, and I think most others, have gotten used to the bad view. Relatedly, the back-up camera, proper adjustment of the rear-view mirror and side mirrors, and use of stick-on fish eye mirrors on the side mirrors all help.
I've only had my Prius for a little over a month. At first, it was very disconcerting to have the rear view partially blocked as it is, but you get used to it very quickly. When you think about it, there really isn't anything you need to worry about back there that is blocked by a horizontal line across the bottom 3rd fifth of your field of view.
never really bothered me... I even think I get more visibility on my Prius than on my previous Toyota.
I guess it each to their own,or what ever trips your trigger. It just seems like a lot of work and money { which I didn't see the priced posted} for such little difference. I had to stare at the pics, and man it was tough... but as long as your happy,so am I
Really a non-issue. You would be surprised at what you quickly grow used too. I assure you no one can sneak up on me from behind, and if you use the internet to learn how to properly adjust your side mirrors, you will not have much in the way of blind spots on the rear sides of the car either.
The rear view takes a bit of getting used to, and yet has many positives. The middle band can block the tailgater headlights from blinding you! One easy modification that helps is to rotate the rear-view mirror 180 degrees. The resulting shape more closely matches the viewing angles of the back window and you will see more in your field of view.
If it bothers you get a different car. I don't even notice it and it has never bothered me. there are 3 mirrors and nothing bigger than a small cat could be concealed by the spoiler. As the car moves what ever is concealed by the spoiler is revealed. The Prius has the best rear vision of any car I have driven in the last 7 years except my 1968 Toyota Crown which hasn't got tint on the windows, the rear boot lid is very low and I had to add a door mirror as outside mirrors are not fitted standard.
But if Justin get a different car, that will bother the rest of us. All together now! "All We are S a y i n g Is Give Prius a Chance." "All We are S a y i n g Is Give Prius a Chance." "All We are S a y i n g Is Give Prius a Chance." "All We are S a y i n g Is Give Prius a Chance." "All We are S a y i n g Is Give Prius a Chance." "All We are S a y i n g Is Give Prius a Chance."
i dont think this has been mentioned yet, but in a comparable hatchback or perhaps a comparable sedan, you dont actually have a window there to look through, the little window below the spoiler looks to me like an exclusive prius thingy. it does take some getting used to. but certainly it gets in the way when you look behind you to see if thats a cop on your back its just my opinion, but i think not exactly knowing where my front bumper ends is worse then the spoiler
That's the reason why the lower pane of glass (below the spoiler) also has the defroster line. It's an intent to let you see through there for the lower part of the car. The 'spoiler' can also treat like a sun shade for this section so you can see better without glare. It will be tougher to see at night because this section is factory tinted and also if you don't have a backup camera. But overall the rear hatch visibility is well thought of, it's all about getting used to. When was the last time you drive a 'hatch-back' car?
You do have full view out the rear window. The lower window is "bonus" coverage. My Subaru has a rear wing that bisects the rear view just about the same. It comes in handy to block out the SUVs headlights when they tailgate you. Think of it as a "feature" not a "problem". Really, its no big deal.
Use the Car Talk/Click-and-Clack method of adjusting the outside mirrors. It nearly eliminates blind spots. Car Talk Some also add stick-on convex mirrors to one or both outside mirrors.