Any Florida(or other HOT summer state months) owners who would like to comment on how good their A/C works. I like my vehicle COLD in the summer and hope this new 08 will do that. I've kinda heard negative info about how you have to have windows tinted for the A/C to be effective. I will be getting them tinted but am wondering if the Prius's A/C is very effective(as normal car) or is it somewhat toned down for MPG sake??
I've not encountered a problem with it, and I like my AC to work, and I'm in South Texas, so I know how an AC is supposed to cool, and so far it seems to work pretty good. One nice thing that I have found out though, is being an all electric AC, meaning the engine doesn't really run the compressor, it cools the same, engine off, engine on, no warmer at stops or traffic congestion's like what I'm used to with engine compressors.
While I recently moved to Texas I spent the first 35K miles in SOUTH Florida. I set the interior temperature to 72 degrees and that is exactly where it stayed.
take it for a test drive and see for yourself. Some people think its extremely weak, some people think its medium strength. Just remember to roll down the windows and vent out all the hot air BEFORE you turn on the AC.
Since it is "winter" here in South Florida (if there is such a thing as winter in Florida) and I have been driving without the A/C. But, on those days where it has been hot and humid, I have been satisifed with the A/C. I set it for 72 and it seemed to stay there. I just changed my OIL (I hit 2,090 miles) and am getting about 53 mpg on my daily commute of about 22 miles each way. I guess when "summer" comes, this will decrease as I will not be able to avoid the A/C.
I'm from Florida and the AC works pretty good in my '06. The windows are NOT tinted, but I can see where it would sure help. I also have an '06 Tacoma PreRunner extra-cab, but it's hard to compare the two because the Prius cabin is larger. The Tacoma can actually get cold in the summer with the AC on high. I'm more conservative with the Prius and usually run the AC at 78 degrees. Setting it below 76 decreases my mileage significantly, especially in stop-and-go traffic. Just my opinion.
I live in W. Palm Beach, FL. I have a black 2006 Prius with tinted windows. I also like my A/C cold & it doesn't take long before I'm turning the fan speed down even in July & August. The A/C will be more than you'll need. Hope this helps.
We live in W. Palm Beach & have 28,000miles on our 2006 Prius. Our lifetime milege is 54.2. That's with the A/C on most of the time and about 90% city driving. The A/C has not dropped the milege as much as we would have guessed. This is a very likeable car and we will buy a 2nd one when we can.
I bought my 2005 used. It came with 30% dealer-installed window tint which is not very dark at all, but it's "High solar energy absorbing" and you can clearly tell the difference in heat on your skin with vs without tint. I think I saw once during a "build your own" PC session that dealer-installed tint costs $300.00 (Atlanta, GA). If I didn't already have it, I would get it. With the tint, the Prius AC is much cooler that that of my old Ford Taurus, in which I had to have the AC fan on high practically all of the time in hot weather, whereas in the Prius I can be comfortable and still hear the radio.
I have a 2007. Isn't 30% high solar energy absorbing tint standard from the factory???? I see a difference between the color and intensity on all the glass surfaces in the car when compared with normal daylight (that is with the window rolled halfway down). Thanks - Marvin
PAPARYNO, I have an '08 Prius and I live in South Florida. I don't have tint on the windows yet, but I WILL be adding it there no doubt as I have never owned a car w/o tint. Too hot w/o tint and I like a little privacy too. I had just replaced my AC in my '97 4Runner and that AC got down to 37 degrees after running for a while. That car was tinted dark. My Prius, although I have only had it about a 1 1/2 weeks now, does cool down to 40 (have same thermometer in the vent as I had in the 4Runner). Readings of course in inside the AC vent. I do see that when I first start up the super hot car, it does take about 30 seconds before it starts blowing cold, where in my 4Runner it blew cold within 3 seconds. Overall, I am satisfied with its ability to cool the car and even if it didn't cool it as cold and was a few degrees difference, the fuel economy more than makes up for it. 13 vs 49mpg is a no brainer. Again, I don't have tint on the Prius and Tint makes the world of a difference on a car. BTW, does anyone know where the GPS antenna is located on the '08 Prius? I was wondering if my tint would interfere with it, as most of the better tint out there has metal particles in it. Also the smart key system, where is that antenna located? Does anyone have Metal tint out there on their Prius with smart key and NAV? Any problems?
A/C in Florida OK for me After I park my 06 Prius in the direct sun during the summer, I lower the windows for about 30 seconds to drop the inside temperature. Other than that, the Auto A/C stays on 72 and and I never think about it. 45K miles now and I'm averaging around 47MPG with 75% highway (72 MPH) driving. Oil changed every 5K miles, Air filter changed every 10K miles and Comfortreds kept at 40/38.
I don't think so. My windows have little stickers that say 32% high solar energy absorbing... installed by Southeast Toyota. And my mother-in-law bought a 2008 Prius last month & paid for the window tint but they haven't had it installed yet (she took delivery before they installed the tint). Tinit it is an option you can chose after selecting a package when you do the build your own online webpage. It may not be standard since some people don't want tint because it can reduce visibility or maybe it's just that Toyota makes it an option to keep the base price down. Oh, I know, they don't make tint standard because people like different levels of tint, some not at all, plus different states have different rules about tint darkness. New info: OK, I looked at my window film stickers, they actually say Digi-Film 32% Installed by Southeast Toyota 9/20/06. I had remembered it wrong. Looking online I see that high solar energy absorbing glass is standard on new 2008 models, possibly earlier models. I don't remember where I saw high solar energy absorbing anything for my 2005 Prius, it just got into my head that it was the window tint. In any event, the sun through the tinted windows is much cooler than through the windshield, so I would still buy the tint if I didn't have it. Dave
I have a 2007 Prius with navigation. If you look on the backside of the MFD you will see a square patch approx. 2 x 2 with a clear view of the sky. I have also driven to Sacramento and to Washington in the middle of summer. Seen vehicles on the side of the road overheating, while traveling through Montana, 104 degrees outside and A/C worked outstanding.
Mine has worked fine in Dallas for three summers without added tinting. The initial cooldown does take a minute or two; this is helped by covered parking, or by using a Sunshade in the windshield and parking facing between south and southwest.
So far, the A/C is doing just fine. I don't have tint and probably won't get it (I've had tinted windows a couple of times and really didn't like it.) I do use the "Auto" setting on the A/C to help with fule economy, but haven't noticed that being a problem. Actually, I kind of like the fact that it doesn't freeze me out of the car....