I've waited 5 weeks so far to get the color/package I crave (green/ash/#6). It is supposed to be here Tuesday and I'm consumed with second thoughts about giving up my SUV. Quick!!!...someone tell me that the 'vague steering' isn't really an issue and a battery powered AC will keep me cool in Texas and the hatchback is large enough to still take my Golden Retriever for a ride!
Texguy, Once you have your Prius you will see that all of your fears are unfounded. I saw the "vague" feel comment in Consumer Reports. What the heck does that mean!? Unless you are a sports car enthusiast, you will have no problems with the steering (and since you've been driving an SUV, I think you will be just fine with the steering. IMO, the steering feels just right for the car - has a nice firm feel and is responsive. You will be just fine with the AC and your do as well. Have fun! Brian
Consumer reports right.. I think the steering is good. It’s all power and easy to move, so maybe that’s what they are talking about. A/C works well here in the Va Beach, but does impact the MPG, so the more you use (and the colder) the less MPG you get. Hatch back is large, though I don’t have a dog lol, I think you would have to lower the seat to offer more room for a large dog.
The vbague steering will go away as soon as you put better tires in size 195 on the car. I noticed the difference immediately. Dump the Integreties while you can still get a full trade in. Search PriusChat for plenty of discussion on which tires are better. Short answer: Top of the line.
I think I'm further south than you. LOL And the AC is great, no warming up while at stop lights or stuck in traffic, hahahahaha, stuck in traffic, I think that has only happened once a year here, but every five minutes in Houston.
Breathe....... Breathe....... Breathe...... You'll be fine. Really. I second the recommendation to exchange tires ASAP. The handling improves immensely. Besides, with a Prius, you will now be a chick magnet.
Vague steering? Never heard of it. The AC works well for sunny southern California. As good as any car I ever had, better than most. Dump the SUV! The dog will love it too!
Go grab yourself a brown bag and breathe into it. Six days will go fast. Start unloading all your stuff from the SUV and think twice, if you really would like to carry the same stuff along inside your new Prius. I've never used the AC, so no comments on that yet. I am confident that the AC will perform. I am aware that mpg will be affected just as any other type of vehicle with theAC on. Regards.
Thank you all, I feel better. Yes, the vague steering comment came from CR. I will take your advice on the tire upgrade...if it feels 'vague' and I have any money left lol. I didn't notice anything in my one test drive. If I become a chick magnet, my wife is going to make me take it back
Partly true, thats the nice part about the Prius AC, its not governed by the engine, there is no connection to the engine per se, its all electric and runs off the battery, thats how it can work when the engine turns off. Thats how it can remain constant as far as cooling, really nice.
I'm in Southern California and the AC works great. I've had no problems with the steering either and I deal with crazy L.A. freeway traffic. No problems here ...
Can't speak for the AC - haven't used it yet, BUT am confident spring is just around the corner. Can speak for the dogs - woof! I have two, one is dalmation sized and the other is a Jack Russell. Both ride in the back and especially like when the back seat is down. The short little window was especially made for my Jack (that's what he thinks...) Have fun - 6 days is under a week!!!!!! Woo hoooo!!!!! :lock1: