I want people on the forum to complete the following sentence: You know what would be cool? If the Prius had/could..... Here's mine. You know what would be cool? If the Prius had LED headlights like the new Audis or if someone would bring out an LED headlight retrofit. It will be pricey but waay cool.:rockon: http://www.partstrain.com/images/The_Auto_Blog/audi_nuvolari_led_headlight.jpg http://www.burtmanindustries.com/images/prodimages/frontier_led_tail.jpg
Here's my wish : You know what would be cool? I cancer cure for Patrick Swayze so he doesn't die in the 5 weeks he has left to barely live. :Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry:
If you could switch the temperature reading and trip odometers between metric and imperial If you could pop the hatch from the driver's seat If one of the MFD language options was Japanese.
"If" they had heated seats ? They Do ! Custom Fit Heated Seat Kit - PFYC Heated, AND masage-a-tronic Way cool. What you really meant was, "If" I had the extra scratch. BTW, the Prius IS a babe magnet ... it attracted ME to it
If it had one of those ventilation doors you could open under the dash so the wind will blow on you when you're moving with the windows closed... like my 1960 Comet Station Wagon had. Worked really well and didn't lower my traction battery or mpg :blink:
It is unlikely that the Audi actually has LED headlights. LEDs are not really ready for this function. It may have LED marker lights, brake lights, angel eyes, or turn signals. Manufacturers have been anouncing LED headlights for a while now, but they all seem to have incandescent components when you go down to the showroom.
... would be cool if the Prius had stick shift -- 5-speed, 6-speed ... Hell, I'll even take 3-on-the-tree :car: no lie !
If oil price is back to $18 a barrel and Regular Gas is $.89 a gallon..... Then commuting in a Prius will be cheaper than eating in McDonald, that would be REALLY cool.