Hi there! Brought home my '08 Magnetic Grey #6 on Sunday! **pictures** Hi all! Although I'm not technically *new* to the forum - I've been on here, but I wasn't an official Prius owner! When I joined, I was driving an '06 Dodge Charger R/T. (hence my screename) Well, with the help of many different posts on this forum, and a LOT of research, I finally brought home my "new baby" on Sunday! I couldn't be happier! I went through Toyota of Walnut Creek - Katie in Internet sales is AWESOME! She was upfront and quoted me roughly $2100 LESS than my local guys. My local dealer told me that "Good luck, but deals like that don't really happen - my prediction is that you'll drive all the way up there and it'll be the wrong color, package, price, etc." He went on to say that if I bought it elsewhere, even the local service department wouldn't treat me nicely. He said "we treat our local customers with priority, so just have that in mind if you do decide to buy elsewhere!" UGH!! I have the right mind to report him to Toyota Corp. But local "stealerships" aside, I *love* my new car! I call it my laptop on wheels! It does and has everything but the kitchen sink! So now I am an official Prius owner! Quick question - I'd like to add XM - Katie at Walnut Creek suggested going through Best Buy. Anyone want to chime in on the best way to go about this? TIA! Now on to the "glamour shots": Taken in my hometown, Morro Bay CA. That's our "pet rock" in the background!
Another Mag Gray! Welcome to the forum. My wife and I stayed in Morro Bay last summer on the way back from a camping trip in San Simeon. Morro Rock is amazing around sunset time. :0) Surely enjoyed all the sea lions behind the seafood restaurant. That was fun.
Thank you so much for posting pics. This is the way it should be done, introduce yourself, post picture of Prius in home setting. Nicely played. Getting people to post pics is my platform.
That Walnut Creek saleman sounds like a D-bag, just watch out if you go to best buy because he might be working there next. Mag Grey are the best ones I think.
Congrats on the new Prius. Internet sales also gave me a better price than driving around town looking for the right car. It saved me time and hussle. Love the pic by the ocean.