That's what my new Prius is, simply amazing. We stopped a few times on the way home from the dealer trying to figure out the nav stuff, and learning all the things about it. Mine's a Black #9BC I picked up today at Koons Tysons Toyota in Northern Virginia. Decided to get the 6/100 as well. My god, the black is beautiful. I got in the car and was amazed to see the odometer read 1. That's right, one mile. I absolutely love the rear-view. Being able to see what is directly behind you allows for a much quicker assessment of distance, in my opinion. Can't get my P800 Sony phone to work with the bluetooth, but this is a European phone mainly unavailable in the US - hopefully, I can find something. Also, definately want to install the switch for the passenger nav entry - could've been useful tonight already. In spite of all this, my car now has 29 miles on it, and I'm deeply in love. It rides higher up than my 2000 Neon, which is a plus. Anyway, for all those still waiting, keep your hope alive, this car is worth every second of the wait!! I also took some pictures, I'll try to get them up tomorrow of my black beauty (from here on out, dubbed "Computer"). -m.
Good to know there's at least one other Black one in DC. I haven't spotted one so I don't really know what they look like while moving. I can get out and look at mine while it's parked, but it's not really the same, hehe. Maybe I'll see yours around soon enough.
Congratulations! I also have a BC, but in white (black cars and the Arizona heat are a wicked combination, IMHO) and am totally geeked out. I've had mine for a week and am still totally amazed at all of the technology that is packed into this car. Today I got a T616 to hook up and completed the total geek package. I was going to get a P800/P900 but have heard of problems connecting with the Prius. It took a bit of work for the T616 but it works every time I go in to the car and turn the Bluetooth on (for the phone). I took a 90 mile round trip today, but hesitated at first because there were only 3 bars remaining on the fuel gauge. My first impression was to fill up before I left town, but then I figured I could fill up at my destination. To my amazement the fuel gauge went down by one bar just as I turned in to the driveway on my return. I set the cruise control to 65 and averaged what loked like 52 MPG on the consumption screen. This is only my first tank of gas but I think I will get close to 500 miles, perhaps more. Truely amazing. Sorry for blabbing about my experiences --- I'm certain you are going to be enjoying similar feats of amazement. Sam SW BC
That's excellent! Yesterday our weather was in the mid 50's, but we didn't actually *have* the car until around 8 or 9 at night, and the Black Ice Warning came on after about half my trip - finished at the house at a temp of 36deg. However, for my first 76 miles, I've averaged 50.8 mpg! After hearing about all the low mpgs from the earlier cars, I wonder if it's because of the warmth finally moving in, or just that we're starting with the knowledge they had to work so hard to figure out and then were kind enough to tell the rest of us! -m.
I think the majority of mileage complaints are coming from people driving in colder climates. I don't recall seeing very many complaints from people driving in Florida, for example. I still think the technology is amazing and fully expect to get very close to the EPA estimates. Realistically, however, I understand that my driving behavior will have to change in order to achieve the maximum mileage. I used to drive like a bat out of hell in my Toyota pickup, and got between 23 - 27 mpg. But now driving is a contest, always trying to get better mileage! Sam
I whole heartedly agree Sam. If there's one thing that can be said that's truly immeasurable about this car, it's that as you drive it, your attempt to get better mileage actually makes you a safer driver - anticipating lights, more aware about your surroundings, etc. It's a wonderful car all around. -m.
well, now there are at least three black Prii in DC! I'm in Silver Spring. have had it since early december. Wasn't my first choice but am oh so glad I have it now. someone in a tideland pearl pulled up next to me on Saturday and honked ... my first live encounter with another happy owner, although not my first siting in this area
There is Tideland that parks a block and a half up from me. I still haven't been able to figure out who belongs to it. Took a walk yesterday afternoon, and asked all the neighbors on the porches near it where it lived, and none of them knew.
I think I saw you driving up the HOV just before the Pentagon turnoff this morning (3/1). The black looks good. I picked up a 2002 to tide me over until my 2004 comes. See Ya on the road.
The black looks great - and don't believe anyone if they say black is hotter than any other color - it isn't! There have been several studies done to show a white car next to a black car in the sun - the black car does get hotter a little quicker, but after 20 minutes they're right about the same temperature! Ben