I understand that ASL is supposed to "adjust volumn & tone quality according to the noise level as you drive," according to the owners manual. But it doesn't say why you might want to choose " Mid, Low." I think I can figure out "Off." Could someone please shed some light? Thanks!
high, middle & low would determine how much the sound leveling would affect..IOW, with off there would be no adjustment, with low there would be some change in sound level with change in speed/ambient noise, with high the changes would be more dramatic.
ASL stands for Auto Sound Levelling and essentially it adjusts the volume up/down in an attempt to counteract ambient noise going on in the car. The faster you go, for example, the louder the road noise, so the radio volume gets louder to compensate. Low/medium/high are just the degrees to which it imposes this effect. If you have any audio upgrades (like aftermarket amplifiers, speakers, etc.) you'll definately want to keep this turned off. DSP stands for digital signal processing. It is a way to variably manipulate the timing and equalization applied to the signal (at the pre-amp level)being fed into the various speakers in the car. This is usually done in an attempt to compensate for imperfect accoustics and speaker positioning (relative to the listener) present in the car; the goal is to balance the sound and, in some cases, recreate a certain accoustic environment (like the concert hall, etc.) In my Prius (which is a non-JBL), the only choices under DSP are the ASL settings. I'm not sure if you get more choices under DSP in the JBL version.
i just have asl on/off i dont see dsl i cant establish a dsl connection to the at&t switch from the road, kind of sucks, have to rely on 3g sigh