...I have decided to part with my 2008 Spectra Blue Mica Package 6 Prius after 3+ months of ownership and am struggling to arrive at a mutually-fair selling price...the details are as follow: 2008 Prius (Non-Touring) Package 6 MSRP $29,700+ Spectra Blue Mica over Grey Leather 5700 miles (more than half the miles from multiple 1000+ mile trips) 5k service done at 4960 miles Nokian WRG2 tires put on immediately upon delivery ($424) OEM Integrity tires have less than 50 miles on them Custom Blue Dot over Black Cocomats in front, rear and cargo... Default, Palm and Fiber ($410) Two Prius Leather Key Fob Cases ($24) Prius Leather Storage Bag ($28) Navigation Sun Hood Cover ($34) Navigation Screen Protector ($16) Prius Limited Edition Hybrid Synergy Drive Key Chain ($32) Griffin PowerJolt Car Charger/Sync Cable for iPhone & iPod ($30) ...my Prius has only been adult-driven and is in AS-NEW condition...no smoke and no pets...it gets washed weekly and professionally detailed monthly...I have had absolutely no trouble or complaints with the car...I purchased it brand new in December from Girard Toyota of New London, CT with the sole purpose of using it as a winter commute car and it has served me superbly...steadily improving Connecticut weather will soon bring my other cars out of winter hibernation and, although I'll miss the wonderful Prius MPG, it will be time for it to go...I would like to receive a fair price for my Prius but am willing to just store it away rather than to give it away...any price feedback that you can provide will be very much appreciated and the car can be seen if any interested party finds themself in the Mystic, CT area...thanks!
Have you tried edmunds.com or kbb.com? I suggest checking those sites to get a benchmark but do not depend on them for a final price. Check your local ads to see what '08 Prius are going for around you. You may be surprised. If there's a shortage of Prius in your area, you may be able to sell at about $500 less than you paid - that's if you're lucky. I remember a while back the shortage was so bad that some people were selling their used Prius for more than MSRP of a new one.
Thanks for your input...KBB, Edmunds et al have yet to include the 2008 model year in their Used Vehicle Pricing Guide but based on their respective 2007 used Prius numbers, it appears as if the used vehicle Prius market remains exceptionally strong...I fired off an e-mail to my Prius sales rep and this was his response: "Considering the extra tires & mats and the condition of the vehicle, I think 27, 500 - 28,000 would be more than fair...ecpecially as gas prices increase and these vehicles become more sought after and dear!" ...as much as I would very much like to realize as much of my initial investment as possible, I think that his numbers are overly optimistic...all I really want to do is to advertise my Prius at a realistic and fair price and sell it with a minimal amount of expended time and tire-kicking...in a perfect world, a good deal should represent mutual satisfaction by both parties...thanks again....
...always a good question given my long history of auto purchases...much will depend upon where I decide to relocate since I plan on retiring this June...I would like to think that New England winter driving will be relegated to fading memories that will soon be replaced by year-round golfing opportunities and there will be no need to have a dedicated winter car...I gladly replaced a BMW X5 with this Prius and I like it so much that I remain ambivalent about letting it go...however, given the current real estate market, it would probably be wise not to break out the sun tan lotion too quickly...
My guess, and its just that, is that its still worth the sticker price, and you still have both sets of tires, etc? sure, sticker is probably correct. Try KBB with your options in a 2007 model, same mileage, etc... and see what it says **edit** actually around $27,790 for an '07, so yours probably is worth sticker
Is the dealer willing to buy it from you at those prices? If so, I'd consider selling to them for a quick sale if thats what your looking for. Another place to check is eBay. See what they are going for and what people are bidding on them. Truthfully, I don't think you'll get close to sticker for it. You have to remember, with dealers offering $1500 off of MSRP on a brand new, 0 mileage car, why would someone pay MSRP for a car with 5000 miles on it. I paid $27000 for my brand new '08 Touring with package #6 and have seen posts of folks getting better deals than that.
...I'm more inclined to agree with you...I did ask my sales advisor if the dealership was a buyer at his suggested sales price but, not surprisingly, the dealership would only be a buyer at a $25k price point...I have decided to list it privately just as soon as Connecticut snow fall predictions come to an end...thanks......
Yeah, I was going to suggest $25,000 too as people in February 08 seemed to have been able to buy Prius at around $2000 below MSRP. Retirement is great stuff if you can afford it. I retired early about a year ago; but I might have to un-retire pretty soon the way the economy and stock market are going:help::violin::yield::hurt: Good luck.
Make your car a showroom condition first (Clean and detail it). Put the Asking price for $26500, and bottom it at Invoice price $25450. See how it goes....
I traded in my 07 base model and got $20,000 for it, MSRP was $23K. This is with 25000 miles on it. I did have it in top condition, highly glossy paint, interior in perfect shape, which helped it a lot. I basically came out with equity in it after 10 months and 25,000 miles and no money down on it, the trade offer was more than I owed on it.
...thanks for the info...similar to my other cars, I keep my Prius in absolute showroom condition so no excuses or apologies will be required when the time comes to show it which will actually occur for the first time later today...given the options, extras, condition, SBM availability and current state of gas prices, I have decided to set the price at $27,000 which still represents a significant savings for the next owner...
...maybe I'm being overly optimistic but I said no to yesterday's $26k offer...given our rather grim current New England weather conditions, I decided to hold firm on my $27k price and will keep it there until my Prius either sells or the weather warms to the point where it's time to take the covers off the other cars...I have another showing appointment set for Monday afternoon... ...the Nokian WR G2's continue to perform flawlessly on roadways that cannot possibly get any more rain-laden...
...looks like my offers are headed in the wrong direction...yesterday's showing resulted in a purchase offer of $25,300 as it sits or $25,000 and I keep the $1000 of extras (Nokians, cocomats, yadda yadda)...the good news is that both parties who saw it wanted it...maybe three will be the charm......
You bought a new car and spend time/money on accessories just to drive it for three months in the winter??
...fair question......at the time of my Prius purchase, in addition to providing a safe, comfortable and economical winter vehicle, I had some very specific family needs that I rather suddenly no longer have...I admit to going over the top with accessories for all my cars but that really never bothers me since I enjoy them all regardless of how long I own each car...
WEll, the dealer I bought my new Prius at, currently has an 07 Prius Package 6 with almost 22,000 miles and they are selling it for $32,990
To the OP: What options are included in your $29,700 MSRP? That's about 2K over what the Package 6 was up until 2 weeks ago. A new Package 6 now has an MSRP of $28,333 with mats & cargo net ($28,085 without), in the mid-atlantic region anyway. Maybe you meant $27,900? I think you could easily get MSRP from someone who is sick of being on the waiting list. I'm a little tempted to take you up on your $27K, actually... Care to drive it to PA? EDIT: Ahh, now I see the thread start date. Long gone, I'm sure.