I think that I have found the Prius like I would like to own...a used 2007 with 14,000 miles! It does have package #2. The only thing that I'm not sure that it has is the VSC. The salesman at the dealership told me on the phone that he thought it had the VSC because it has the tire skid logo on the dash which meant the skid control. I was unsure it this symbol means Vehicle Skid Control or Vehicle Stability Control or if they were the same thing??? I'm ready to buy after I find this out...if he doesn't sell it today! Thanks for your help!
The skid logo will appear when tires are slipping (Traction control). the skid logo AND a beep, beep, beep will happen when the VSC is triggered. Personal experience in an emtpy yet icy parking lot! Pretty cool system, I wouldn't own another car w/o both. Known to myself and my sig other as "hey, it was slick out there this AM, got the slippery car from old blue (car nickname, not me)"
Thanks, Rockville, for your reply but I'm still confused. The package #2 quote that you sent says that it has Vehicle Stability Control at the end of your post. Could you explain it again for me? I guess I'm a little foggy due this stormy weather we're about to have here in SC. Anyway, also wanted to ask since VSC isn't standard, is there a way for the technician to know if the car has it without going to too much trouble? I just don't want to be led astray thinking it has VSC and it doesn't. Thanks so much for your help!
Oops! Just got your reply about the VSC! I'm still learning this chat forum! Thanks so much! I'll let you know how it goes! I'm really getting excited now!
Thanks, Finman, for your reply about the skid control. Does it really work well in heavy rain, too? I'm on the interstate a lot and have hydroplaned many a time. Any other info would be greatly appreciated!
Mt. Lover, You can also check the window sticker on the car. It will list everything that comes with the car.
Yes, I will be sure to check the sticker. The salesman told me alot about it, but wasn't sure about the Vehicle Stability Control. I hope to drive 3 hours tomorrow and actually see it. It is the Touring model, too. Do you think that $24,000 is a good price for it? It has a good report on Carfax.
People are reporting buying a brand new 08 pkg 2 for 22ish. I paid 24ish for my 08 pkg5. IMHO 24k for a used 07 is too much. Might as well go new. steve
Great advice...what do you think a reasonable offer for it would be? You know...I've got the fever, I guess. I wanted a red touring and found this one that seems to be in excellent shape. It also has the JBL system, so the salesman said. My husband won't tell me what to do...he wants me to do this one on my own...(with him in the background cheering me on...) for experience, I guess.
If you have your heart set on the used one, tell the sales guy you looked around and you can get a brand new package 2 for the price they are asking for the used. Let him come back to you with a new price. Never tell the sales people what you are willing to pay. Let them give you a price. If you have some more patience, try sending an email or calling several Toyota dealers and tell them what you want. Play one delar price against another to get the price down (you can do this in 2-3 days easy). If as you stated that you are willing to pay around $24 (before tags, taxes, fee), then I would buy new. I paid $25,700 for a package #6 (+ tags, taxes).
check out this thread. http://priuschat.com/forums/dealers-pricing/25799-how-much-you-paid-your-prius-41.html
for reference, although not RED. A dealership up here in mass that is offering the following touring model. (not sure why your really stuck on touring). Determining extended properties...
update...well, I called the salesman back and he said he would go with $23,300...his "internet" price. I still haven't offered him anything yet. I really want the touring model because I read somewhere in these posts that it gave a more stable ride??? I can email some other dealers and see what I can find out that way, too. Thanks so much to all of you for your help!
My first Prius, 2005, option #02 did not come with it - but I think all subsequent models with package #02 model year 2006 and after come with VSC and a few other things including the back-up camera (which also wasn't on my original 2005). However, when I was looking to trade-in, I was looking at both the 2007 and 2008 models which had it. However, at $22.3k, pre-tax, I'd go for a new one. Oh hrmmm - well actually, even my branch only had like 2 left and those sold on the day I did the deal. But even my 2008 pre-trade-in cost was $23.7k (pre-tax). My two cents - I rather pay the extra grand for the extra mile of a brand-new car especially if it's already over $20k. Plus a newer model would ideally give u a better trade-in or resale value in the long run (if u keep your car for about 3-5yrs and around 100k miles). Well again, Prius model year 2007 and 2008 Package #02 comes with VCS/VSC whatever... smart-key, backup-camera as the notables options. Good luck.
Ammendment: My 2008 Prius's invoice price was: $22.8k. $23.7k was after the taxes and dmv fees and other things I asked them to take care of.
Good advice, once again! Seems like most of you are saying to go for a new one since the prices I've been given are still too high. You know how it is when you get that fever...you want it like yesterday. I am willing to check around some more...and will see what I could get a new one for, too. Well...maybe I could just offer $19,500 for the red one and see what the salesman would say????
That sounds like a good price to me. What's the worst that can happen. He says no. Now if you have a trade in involved and dealer financing you have to be careful about those too. Price isn't everything. As for the touring models ride. I've never ridden in one. I can tell you thought that my regular non touring is one of the smoothest quietest cars I've EVER been in. steve
You're right...it won't hurt to try! Thanks for your reply! Tomorrow will be an interesting day! Maybe I'll have some good news! I've read so many good things about the Prius from everyone here. Glad you are pleased, too! Wish me luck! Mary Ann
Give it a shot. I was originally planning to buy a used Prius, but the prices were very high - there was about 1k difference between a used and a new one with the same options. At that time there was still a $1575 tax credit available for a new one so it made it easy to choose new.