Now that the temps for those of us in the Northeast have dropped dramatically, I have been looking at my outside temperature display more than usual. What I have noticed is that when the temp hovers around 37-39F, the display will show 39, then go immediately to 37, skipping 38. If the temps then go lower, it will then display only EVEN numbers down to 10(which is the lowest I have see so far). I can't remember whether it displayed odd numbers above 40; it may be awhile before I can check that. I don't know whether the sender is malfunctioning or whether the software is incapable of resolving temperature readings less than 2 degress. Anyone else notice this kind of odd behavior in their outside air temp display?
Yup, I noticed it too. Think I saw a post or two about this a LONG time ago. I believe it is reading celcius to the degree, then converting to farenheit.
I haven't paid that much attention, but I think I have your odd numbers. I know I saw 17 and 19 yesterday morning and 25, 27 and 29 on the way to work this morning.
I too have seen odd numbers. 37, 36, 35, ... finally winding up at 33 the last I looked. Those numbers mean winter is here. But no snow yet in Chicago. :roll:
I agree with the original poster. In the Chicago area, I can confirm the even numbers (F.) in the 10 to 18-degree range. The conversion math theory makes sense. During actual Prius travel (as a passenger), I did notice that all temperatures (all integers) will display eventually, but the display tends to change in increments of 2 degrees F.
1-9 odd increments 10-18 even increments 19-27 odd 28-36 even 37-45 odd 46-54 even 55-63 odd 64-72 even 73-81 odd 82-90 even Found this by taking each C degree from -17 through 32, multiplying by 1.8 and adding 32, then rounding off.
Amazing! I think you have proved your theory regarding conversion of temperature data to Fahrenheit from Celsius. I just wonder why they didn't program the display with Fahrenheit, since they have made so many accommodations to the American market anyway.