Lately I've been getting a lot of "Cannot display web page" errors trying to load pages from Prius Chat. Usually, clicking on Reload brings up the page. Sometimes I have to wait 5 or 10 minutes. Since this very seldom happens with other sites, and I can load other sites when I am unable to load Prius Chat, I'm wondering if PC is having server problems, or is getting so popular and getting so many hits, that the server is getting overloaded?
We've been updating some software on the server like PHP, MySQL, etc, and it's been causing some intermittant downtime. Sorry for any confusion. This isn't tied to the server outages, but our traffic has skyrocketed recently, though!
More Prius owners, more pressure on Prius 'accessory' suppliers. Same problem Toyota has with Panasonic batteries.
Is anyone else still having these problems? I need to switch to Mozilla Firefox to view Priuschat without pages loading multiple times, or "The page cannot be displayed" errors. My Internet Explorer seems to work fine for other websites.
I use a macintosh with Safari 1.2.4. No problems loading pages, but it does take longer for pages to load lately. Sounds like an increased traffic situation, which I'm happy for. Soon, Danny will have his own server farm.
I keep getting "Page cannot be displayed" DNS errors on a regular basis on my home computer using IE 6.0 (Windows XP SP2 with ZoneAlarm Pro). Clicking on the Back button followed quickly by the Stop button enables me to read the page in question. I do not have this problem on the office computer, also using IE 6.0 but with Windows 2000.
That's my workaround, also. I find it's just easier though to switch browsers to Firefox. Maybe I will work up the nerve someday to go all-firefox-all-the-time.
Here are some of the advantages of using the genuine Microsoft brand Internet Explorer 1 It does not comply with HTML standards, so some properly designed web pages will not render properly. 2 It supports the automatic installation of software intended to harm your computer. 3 It promotes a mono-culture Internet, which invites the authors of malicious programs to target your computer. 4 It exposes you to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities that can be used to harm your computer. 5 It supports the masking of a sites true URL, to allow phishing attacks intended to steal your online financial details. 6 It allows default execution of scripts embedded in web pages that may harm your computer. 7 It has a slow rendering engine. 8 It allows advertisers to popup new windows against your will. 9 It allows advertisers and others to track your online activities through the use of spyware. 10 It makes annoying ticking noises for no good reason at all. 11 It obscures information about web pages you are viewing. 12 It supports Microsoft's monopoly, thus helping to narrow your future options. 13 By default, it has worse security options than you could ever configure intentionally in any other web browser. 14 Because, as Microsoft argued in court, it is deeply integrated into the operating system. Instead of being an advantage, as Microsoft claims, this is really an enormous security risk. 15 Since it has hooks deep into the OS, if Internet Explorer croaks it is likely to force you to reboot. If there were no other web browsers available, Internet Explorer would still be the worst choice you could make.
16. Internet Explorer has not had a major upgrade since August 2001 unless you have XP and installed Service Pack 2. But even this “upgrade†is Swiss Cheese! 17. Microsoft insists that it won't issue a new standalone IE . . . so, unless you feed Microsoft more $$$$ and upgrade to their next new OS thingy - fugitaboutit! 18. It’s not PC for your PC to IE