My dog loves to ride in my brand new prius. Most of the time she stands on the console so she can see out, but every so often she sits down on the seat and the seat belt signal goes on and on and on.... Is there any way to turn the danged thing off? thanks
Yes, do a search for seat belt beep. Its been a while since I've seen it, but I turned mine off the day after I got my car. I'll try to find it and post the link here. It beeps exactly 50 times by the way **Edit** I just did the search, and there are approximately 84 threads about disabling the seat belt beep. The search feature is you friend. Pick one and turn that sucker off!!
Here's a cut and paste from another post: (but now you have to do 10 searches for others ) Seatbelt Beep On/Off: 1. Power on the car to IG-ON or READY. IG-ON will do for this purpose. 2. Using the Trip/ODO button, set the Trip/ODO display to ODO (not Trip A or Trip 3. Power off the car. 4. Now power the car to READY (brake on). This is required so that step 6 works correctly. 5. Within 6 seconds of powering on, press and hold the Trip/ODO button for 10 seconds or more. 6. WHILE STILL HOLDING ODO *after* the 10 seconds, buckle then unbuckle the appropriate seatbelt while continuing to depress the Trip/ODO button. Now release the Trip/ODO button. 7. If the last step was successful, "b on" or "b off" should be displayed in the location where the Trip Odometer or Odometer is normally displayed. "b on" is beep on, and "b off" is beep off. 8. Press Trip/ODO to toggle the mode. 9. Now power the car off to exit the toggle mode. 10. Power the car on to READY and confirm the seatbelt beep status The beep should not be audible if "b off" was selected, and should be audible if "b on" was selected..
Why not just put the seatbelt in the buckle? Problem solved or get a pet attachment from Pets-Mart and buckle the puppy in for safety.
Although the beeper can be disabled, the warning light on the dash still continues to flash. I didn't like the idea of connecting the passenger seat belt to get it to stop (it tends to interfere with anything in the seat). So, I simply went down to my local Toyota dealership and ordered a seat belt extension. They come in three different lengths (6", 9", and 12", I think) and there's no charge. I got the shortest one, inserted it, and no longer have either the beeper or the flashing dash light whenever I put anything onto the passenger seat.
I shudder to think that you are carrying your pet on the passenger seat next to you in your Prius or in any car/truck. You place the pet in great danger by not having it restrained, just like any other precious cargo. The best place for any pet is home in the kitchen, not unrestrained in the car, especially in the front seat. The danger, of course, is from the deployment of the air bag should you have a crash. Please, please, please check into a pet restraint harness. They are quite comfortable for the pet and are designed to retain the pet in the back seat. Attaching to the diagonal belt in the back seat, they allow the pet to move around bit and fido will not become a missile if the car should crash. Please check into that for your pet's sake.
Thank you RangerDavid. The airbag is a wonderful safety device, but can be very dangerous if not used properly. Most of us don't realize the potential risk of ignoring that air bag. Placing "stuff" on the passenger side dash board can put passengers in danger also. GPS units, clip boards or other objects placed over the airbag on the passenger side exposes passengers to unneccessary risk should the car crash severely enough to deploy the air bag. That "stuff" would be forcefully driven back into the passenger. For the same reason, one should never travel with your feet resting over the glove box and onto the dash board. One can note the slight indentation in the material covering the air bag module there. It's a good idea to keep that area free of "stuff' when traveling.