For a 2008 prius with SKS and security system, is there any way to have the doors automatically lock when you walk away from the car? I've searched but found no definite answer.
I would agree that would be a cool and useful feature. Seems like it would be easy enough for them to implement. Its like having auto headlights. They have them in europe but not here. makes no sense to me. but i guess you can't have everything.
Toyota has never had a car with any sort of factory, port or dealer installed security option that allows for an auto locking feature. They seem to feel that we are not quite smart enough to make sure we have the keys with us when we exit the car. After market security systems that auto lock (and auto arm) can be quite annoying for techs who tend to leave the keys inside the vehicle while it is in the shop. Although I generally lower the driver's window to avoid accidently locking the keys inside, my favorite was when I did so and when the system beeped a minute later, I watched in horror as the windows gracefully slid closed.
True, but the SKS recognizes the fob, so the car could never Automatically lock with the fob any where near it. The Auto Lock should be a simple process of how far the fob is away from the vehicle, and would only lock with no fob, so no locked in key fob.
The worry is not so much about locking the key inside (SKS won't allow that to happen). It is mainly about locking small children inside the vehicle while you walk away from it. Here is what the manual says from my Mazda CX-9. "When all doors and the liftgate are closed and the advanced key is being carried and out of operational range, all the doors and the liftgate automatically lock after 3 seconds. (Even if the driver is in the operational range, all doors and the liftgate are locked automatically after about 30 seconds)." The default setting is off from Mazda. One needs to ask a dealer is turn it on. Supposedly, you are now responsible since you "ask" for it specifically... As Toyota gets bigger every year, I am not surprised to see Toyota getting more and more conservative in this sort of things. Deeper pocket.
This is what I was afraid of, darn.. my wife leaves the car unlocked at least once a week and it's driving me insane! I had hoped it would be easier to fix the locks than to fix the wife, but alas I must take the hard road.. wish me luck!
I have locked the key in my Prius!! Somehow, I managed to lock my "smart key" in my week old 2008 new Prius last night. I don't know if there is some setting that automatically locks the doors after they are opened? Supposedly, there isn't, but somehow I have managed to induce this:0) My car was parked in the garage, unlocked. The key was never taken out of the vehicle and was located in my purse. I opened the back passenger and the front passenger doors a few times in the evening to retrieve items. Could opening the passenger doors have triggered some kind of auto locking mechanism? My husband had to use our other smart key to unluck the door this am. When he approached the car, however, the door handle would not automatically open. The only way he could open it was using the remote unlock. Curious??? Has anyone else locked their "smart key" inside? This is our second Prius though we are new to the Prius world. We bought our first one in January and fell in love....mel
Truthfully, Matt, in the long run the right thing is for her to learn to lock the car. Sooner or later, she'll be driving a loaner or a rental without an auto-lock feature.
Re: I have locked the key in my Prius!! What kind of material is your purse made from? The only explanation for the circumstance you described is that the normal signal from the key fob, in your purse in the car, was in some way shielded from being recognized by the Prius' electronics. The car will not normally lock if the key fob is left in the vehicle. If you do, it will beep at you after you close the driver's door!
Prius only have a function to auto lock the door if you opened the door with key but did not open any door after 30 seconds.
My purse is made of leather. I drive with the key in my purse and haven't had any issues. I did not make any attempt to lock my car via the door handle or with the remote or via the door locks. I simply opened the passenger doors a few times during the evening and the next morning it was locked with my keyfob inside. Now, I am leery to leave it in there...maybe it was just some odd electrical thing?
I had a smilar thing happen with my Dodge Truck. My car doors locked while I was closing some cabinet doors in my garage with the truck running at 12:30am after a long day of work and being on call. The 911 dispatcher didn't like being called to dispatch a locksmith, but I was on call, my truck is running in my driveway, and I am talking outside my pissed off neighbors front door using their phone after I just woke them up! Not fun but I leaned to never believe everthing you read in the owners manual and to expect the unexpected. Rusty
Ok. I think I figured it out. I tried an experiment last night. I think my husband must have pushed the unlock button on his remote by accident (it was in his pocket). If you unlock using the remote button and no one opens the door afterwards, it will automatically lock the doors with the other smartkey inside. Then, you are not able to unlock it by using the door handle. You have to use the remote to open it. Also, if you lock the car with the remote, it will lock the other smartkey inside. To me, this theory about not being able to lock your smartkey in the car is busted. But maybe it was just that you can't lock it in when you are only dealing with the one key? But at least this may help others from this happening to them. In a way, there are auto-locks, just not the kind we want
Yes, you can lock the doors with a smart key inside. We do it intentionally on occasion. As you have discovered, all you have to do is push the lock button on the other fob. After that, the front door handles will not automatically unlock, even with the smart key. You have to manually push the fob unlock button or use the metal key. Oddly, though, you can use the hatch handle on the rear to unlock all of the doors with the smart key. Tom
Why would you intentionally lock your smart key inside? If someone were to break into your car they could just press the start button and drive off.
Right. You would only do it in a place where theft wasn't an issue and your wife was too lazy to take her purse with her. I would leave the car unlocked except the purse is too much temptation, even in a safe location. I don't like doing it, but sometimes we have to compromise to get along. Tom
I have a 2008 and the dealer can't even set it to lock the dors when you put the car in drive.Also the speed lock funtion can't be programed.:first::first:Sorry for the icons!