Brought the new '08 Prius home on Tuesday and LOVE IT but when do I get the promised mileage? On second tank and the average for this tank is below 30mpg. I know it's been cold up here in Buffalo but golly gee I was expecting better than that . . . the car has over 300 miles on it by now. b
Take a look at this knowledge base article, which covers the things that help/hurt fuel economy. It sounds like you've got several things conspiring against you: new car (i.e. not broken in yet), cold temperatures, and winter gas. Also, have you needed to run the car without driving (i.e. to defrost/de-ice the windows)? I know that's something that kills my mileage.
Hang in there! Your milage will improve over time as: 1 the weather improves (cold engines are not efficient); 2 you learn to drive the car for better milage (there is a wealth of info on PriusChat about this); 3 you drive the car for longer trips (it takes about 13 minutes of driving to get the engine and exhaust system to warm up); 4 you use the heater less (saps a great deal of heat from the warm up process... try turning the heater off when you are stopped at a light); 5 the summer formulation for gasoline is in the pumps (summer gas has more BTU's than winter gas); 6 your car 'breaks-in' (I noticed mine got better after about 3K). Read on about this topic and you can get better than even the advertised numbers! Lee
I would like to suggest following... Please try to do a long drive (more than 50 miles) to a country road (below 42 mph and less signals/stops) on a sunny weekend. Please try to reset your MFD mileage number after warming up (30 minuts later from start). I believe you'll see very good MPG number on your MFD display and it's good to know your Prius's potential. Then, please report your result here. Ken@Japan
Welcome! Up there in Buffalo? Got a little snow going maybe? What temps are you driving in 80 degrees? . . . or -10 degrees. It DOES make a big dif.
As others have indicated, warmth is your Prius' friend. Climate-wise, and also engine warm-up when you drive. My work/living situation dictates quite a few short-hop type trips, 5-10 minutes or less (sometimes I don't even register the first bar on the graph before my jaunt comes to an end) and that puts my mileage down quite a bit. I am wondering if you also have installed snow-tires, given your location, as that causes a mileage downgrade.
I asked the same question of someone with whom I work, who also happens to own a Prius. His zen-like response: "It will come when you least expect it!" Despite the cold weather here, my average for this current tank of gas is running at about 51mpg. My previous best was 48.6, so I think my philosopher-friend was correct!
Don't lose hope. Once you learn some of the techniques you can use in the car you will be amazed at the mpg gains you can achieve. This article helped me get started. (Bought my 2008 about a month ago.) Pulse and Glide plus Warp Stealth in the Prius II for maximum FE … - CleanMPG Forums Those cold temps will hinder you somewhat. An Engine Block Heater would definitely help in your circumstances. Cheers and welcome to the forum!
Additionally, your sales person should not have "promised" you any particular milage. S/he doesn't know enough about your particular driving style and conditions to accurately promise that you'll achive any particular number of miles per gallon of fuel consumed.
There isn't any "promised" mileage for any car. The EPA issues estimates, which all auto companies are required to use as their published mileage figures, but there is no implied promise associated with those figures. That's why they say: "Your mileage may vary." As soon as your driving techniques and conditions match the EPA's you will get the published mileage. As for the Prius, with warmer weather and trips of reasonable length, most of us find it pretty easy to beat the new EPA figures. Tom
You might consider the installation of an engine block heater before next winter to prepare for the colder temps.
Welcome to the world of PriusChat! Here is a wealth of "Great Information"! I was told I did not NEED an EBH. True! However, warm air, better mileage (4-6 mpg) and better defrost are true added +++++. I only had EBH plugged in for 3-4 hours for the benefit. Low price for EBH and great return.
OH ! I also noted you're only at 300 miles? Heck that aint nothing! Give it some time, and let the car get broken in a bit too. Your MPG will go up as you read up on driving techniques. Search (for example) 'pulse & glide' driving technique, as well as tire pressure changing etc. You WILL do better. Heck, here's a picture of yesterday's MPG ... where we drove our hybrid SUV to my mother in law's to bring back a big piece of furniture ... and THIS in an AWD SUV ... with cool night-time temps: Now, you aint gona tell me I can do better in an SUV, than YOU can do in your Prius, are you? The gauntlet has been thrown down, so get busy and practice!
Thanks Everybody!!! Things are starting to get better. I think I will just give it a little time and consider the engine block heater for next winter! In the mean time, we will just keep the faith and it sounds like warmer weather is headed our way! b
hey hey hey, stick with it and you'll be fine. i've had my prius for about 5+ days now and with everyone's help here, i'm already at an average of 48.6 (my best average so far) i'll tell you what, it takes mature and consistent driving - if you throttle down and hit the brakes (stab and steer) you wont get good mpg's. stay at it and you'll be very happy. my 06 caddy sts v8 got 17 mpg average, so believe me, i'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally happy. good luck!:flame:
Agreed. I've had mine for a little over a week now and I'm averaging about 47.8. I actually his 51.8 for a while...
Hi! I've had my Prius for almost 6 months and I'm still learning new things. I find that if I go back and re-read some of the articles (like FAQ's at and and here, of course) after awhile they make more sense. Also try one new technique at a time, it's too confusing otherwise. Like this week I'm pretending there's an egg under the gas and brake pedal and trying not to have to smush it! A break in the weather really makes a BIG difference. I was about 48 mpg when the temp is in the 20's and Monday it was almost 40 and I hit 52 mpg with the defroster on. The Prius is a totally different car when it's under freezing--it won't glide as far and the engine won't go off at the "normal" times. Deep snow really creates a drag--I imagine you have a ton there in Buffalo. Spring/summer will seem all that sweeter when the good mileage comes! Happy Motoring! Prius Prime