Thats it, i'm now the proud owner of 1 very black very nice and very shiny Prius T Spirt. Took delivery at 10am this morning, and boy was I like a big kid. couldnt wait. Verdict = LOVE IT. Still learning all the bits n bobs on it. I know one thing I will be doing is to turn off the revere beep, boy is that annoying. Will get a pic of my baby poted soon. Cheers Gary PS:- Sorry. HELLO EVERYONE
Congratulations and welcome to, what seems to be, a very happy bunch of owners. I've had mine for slightly more than 2 months and still enjoy taking it out for a spin. Enjoy learning about all of the doo-dads. They add to the enjoyment of ownership. Bill
Welcome to PC, Taz. Sorry to tell you, but the reverse beep OFF option is not available on the T-Spirit. However, you'll soon learn to tune that out. Really.
Welcome to PriusChat, Gary! Sorry about the reverse beep. We only know a cure for the North American version. Other than that, the car just keeps getting better.
Welcome Taz1967. I've had my Prius for about three months now and just passed 5K miles :first:. The car is trully fun to drive.