About 10 days ago, I came to this web site for the first time. I had made the deal for my car, but I hadn't picked it up yet. I registered and read some messages, but I didn't post until I actually had the car. I could have sworn I saw a thread titled something like, "Does Your Prius Have a Name". It was most likely in this forum (Prius Main Forum) or the Newbie Forum. Can someone please point me to it? I did try the search function. It worked for other things I typed in, such as Philadelphia, Philly, and Sloane. However, when I typed the word "name" into it, choosing first the Newbie Forum, then the Prius Main Forum, and finally all forums, I got no results, which I actually expected hundreds, given the common nature of that word. Maybe when it gets a common word, it chokes. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this.
http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/20053-does-your-prius-have-name.html try google. enter your key words (I used "prius name" ) then type site: priuschat.com and it will find only links on priuschat. btw, there's also one from way back in '05 of a similar title... http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/11496-who-s-named-their-prius.html
The one I've tried to quote above is the one I was looking for. Thanks. It turned out to be in Fred's House of Pancakes. I didn't look there upon my return as an owner because I thought it was an on-topic subject. I am trying out a signature line here. Normally, I don't use them, but I wanted to see how it works.
Or when you click "Search" in the navigation bar you can type your query into the Google box. Same thing.