I am a real fan of the Trac Phone. (Paul Harvey is right!) I use it mostly for emergencies and when I am not at home, for business purposes. I can't beat the price with any of the major providers. (12 bucks for the phone and about 20 bucks every 3 months for my usage) I can use a BlueTooth earphone by adding a BlueTooth dongle to my TracPhone, but haven't tried to interface it with the Prius yet. Anyone here on PC done this or have information I will need to get 'er done? Thanx.... jf
I also have a trac phone. I bought 600 minutes for a year. It will be a year in AUG. Still have not used all the time. I paid 60.00 so far. I hope to be able to keep it to 60.00 for the year. Keep me posted on this......
So far, we seem to be the only 2 PC'ers who have a Trac Phone. I'll continue to search out the answers and get back here.... jf
There was a thread on POL (Prius OnLine) which stated that add-on bluetooth devices cannot be paired with the Prius. The posting was a year or two ago and I haven't seen anything since on the topic.
I also have a Tracfone but only have a package 2. I am thinking about installing a carputer that would enable Bluetooth but that is a little further down the road (no pun intended). I am still in the research phase.
Just Got the Samsung S390Gfrom Trac phone. It has wifi and bluetooth, Have not tried installing yet. I have a 2007 Prius.