I have 700 miles on my new Prius....my first and only complaint to this point is the location of the emergency brake pedal. Maybe it's because I have been wearing boots in this crap weather, but I manage to hit the emergency brake pedal every time I enter the car. Anyone else have this problem???
How odd! I've got size 13 feet and frequently wear boots here in the frozen North and have never hit the e-brake accidentally. Perhaps you should modify your vehicle entry techniques!!
I learned to drive in the 70's and that's where the emergency brake was back then. To me, it's where it's "supposed" to be!
I swear, it happens every time......so annoying... I wear size 11. I never hit it hard enough to engage the brake but I've got a nice scuff on my new dress shoes from it.
Simple and safe solution, apply the e-brake every time you shut off the car. Then the pedal will be "down" and you won't hit it. I use mine all the time. So far it hasn't "frozen" or "corroded" in the "on" position. For me, the pedal is a little small. I've slipped off it several times, due to wet or snowy/icy boots. It worries me that may cause the cable to jump off the lever (release and it pops up), but so far no problems. Oh, and I started doing this to protect the "park pawl" in the HSD, but I've seen since it's pretty robust and probably would be the last thing to break - it's a gear type, not really a "pawl".
i might try that...although I don't know how wild I am about adding another step to my cycle of turning the Prius on and off! (yes I'm lazy and always in a hurry)
I was going to suggest the same thing. I use my brake every time I park and once you are in the habit you do it without even thinking about it. It takes less time or effort than putting on your seatbelt. Hopefully you aren't too lazy and rushed for that too
No problems here. I bump it with my leg once in a while, but only when I'm squirming around trying to get my coat situated. Tom
For all you really "young" folks out there, I even remember when the "dim-bright" headlight switch was a button on the floor under where the parking brake in our Prius is. It was a little round silver button you could push with your left foot and dim your headlights in oncoming traffic. eace:
Yep, the placement is a pain in the butt, coming from driving manuals with the brake next to your right arm. It does make doing the reverse 180 a bit more challenging.
I'm 6 foot 270 with size 11's and never hit the e-brake. Of course I apply the e-brake every time I park the car. Grew up with manuals and just got used to it. I find the location great because I just step on the brake on my way out the door, and give it a punch with my foot when I get in. It's not even its own step, more like part of my way in and out of the door. The only thing I miss are "e-brake turnes"! You really need a counsel mounted e-brake for those.