While watching a few clips from the last Clinton/Obama debate, I noticed that Obama is a lefty (like me!). And 3 of the last 4 U.S Presidents have been Southpaws too. That got me to thinking a totally scientific poll on PC is in order. Please vote!
I too am a Southpaw. Loved it growing up as a kid. Nobody ever borrowed my baseball glove. Because so many consumer products are made for right-handed people, it forced us lefties to adapt while growing-up . . . making us much more coordinated adults than your average right-hander. As we say, "We are in our right mind."
Left-friendly... that seems right to me. Actually, I strongly suspect that I am a "reformed lefty"... I'm left-eyed, and I can do a lot of things with my left hand (I once taught a lefty how to knit, by switching sides, and it was fairly easy). A lot of my family is lefty, too. I voted "Righty" because that is the hand that I write with.
I'm "slightly" ambidextrous. I mouse lefty and open jars that way, but write righty. My mom is a lefty (in all senses of the term) and there are lefties on my dad's side of the family as well, so I guess I adapt easier. Darwin rules!
I am also slightly ambidextrous. I naturally use my left hand for many things, but still have trouble writing lefthanded. My father taught himself to write lefthanded after he injured his right hand, and then kept it up after the right hand was fixed. He was the only person I know who could write two completely different sentences at the same time, one lefthanded and one righthanded. It was amazing to watch. However, that was the only thing he did with his left hand - everything else was right handed.
I am righthanded but for some reason brush my teeth lefthanded. I have always wondered how lefthanded people can function in these cars they have here in the U.S. with the controls on the right side. I also wonder how the righthanded people in the U.K. can use their controls on the left side. Back in the 1960s, one of my aunts had a Ford Falcon in which the ignition key was inserted to the LEFT of the steering wheel. I've also noticed other Fords over the years that had something over to the left that was normally on the right on other cars. I wonder if Henry Ford was a lefty and decreed that something on each car was to be put in a lefty-friendly place.
I am left handed. But I write right handed. I went to catholic School for first through seventh grades. And in first grade, I had a liberal nun, who let me write, left handed, since that is what I am. But in second grade, I had a conservative nun, who would slap my wrist with a ruler when I wrote (or did anything), with my left hand. It was seen by her to be a 'sign of the devil'. So I had to learn how to write all over, with my right hand. But now I use both hands to write. And that is called 'typing' which is what I am doing right now. So I guess all that fuss was for nothing.
AHA! A recovering Catholic! I'm actually starting to lose my ability to write legibly. After years of doing math problems, I've got the Greek alphabet and numbers down pretty good, but when it comes to penning a letter, I'm virtually helpless.
I consider myself right handed but have done a few things with my left not noticing. I'm not totally clumsy with my left. My brother has atrocious handwriting. My Father forced him to be right handed. When he was a baby he reached for everything with his left hand and my Mom and Dad would take everything and make him use his right hand. I think he was a switch hitter in baseball.
Absolutely right-handed, but daughter, daughter-in-law, mother, and grandmother of lefties. Raising our left-handed son was an interesting experience for my righty husband and me. Of his 3 children, the youngest and only girl is a lefty. My son is so left-handed that he never learned to write cursive, so he hand-printed the college essay that got him into Brown (with Amy Carter as a classmate). To this day, he prints everything except his signature which is totally unintelligible. He's a physics professor & studies neutrinos. Remember only lefties are in their right minds (opposite hemisphere controls the brain, I hear). He drives a civic hybrid.
Another one of those who went to Catholic school as a child. I can write with either hand now, but faster with right. Do some things left-handed, others right-handed. But I think I may be right-footed. But I guess I would put myself down as right-handed normally...
Reminds me what my 4th grade geography teacher taught: North is the direction you're facing. No wonderI cannot find my way out of a paper bag! peace -- Marjorie.