while sitting in the Costco parking lot, Lo and behold, there were,count them, 4 other Prii parked in the lot...mine made 5...a beautiful sight...3 silvers and 2 tidelands... :wave: :wave:
Wow! I'm only ever encountered one at a time. Did you happen to drop off any Prius Chat business cards?
Oh! Oh! Are we going to have to start calling Prius "bellybuttons" ? That is what they used to call the VW Beetle down in Chile. There were so many of them, the highways were quite amusing... like a scene from a Herbie movie. Anywho, they called them that because every had one. :mrgreen: Get it!?!
used to see a prius once amonth. now seems to be once a week or so. making progress here in nashville
John only because this is an Emotion... I thought it was a term used for Mustangs... 'Because evere one has a Mustang, the're like :ahole:'s ' Back to the Prii sightings there seem to be more in the Denver area... I see them pass the house as we live on a major sreet, but have yet to see them in a parking lot, since I got mine.. Bob Andersen
We were heading south through Hinsdale recently on Route 83. (It's about the only street that allows traffic to zip through Hinsdale, which is why we, and many others, were on it.) My wife was learning to recognize different types of Prius. As we drove along in ours, she said, "Is that a Classic in front of us?" (She can now identify them without error.) As it happened, it was one of those nice light blue ones. Just then a Silver '04 passed us both! It was the first time I've encountered three together. There must be a French term for it...
I'm noticing more and more of them in the Chapel Hill/Durham area of North Carolina. On an average day I may see about 3 or 4 04/05s and maybe 1 classic, but I have yet to see more than one at a time (except on a dealer's lot), but I'm sure that day will come...soon...
I still never see any down in Indy, wb9tyj. Maybe I don't get out enough. Well, I *know* I don't get out enough so let's hope that's the problem. There's still a long wait here so somebody must be buying them up
On Saturday I was driving through downtown Palm Springs when I spotted another Prius in my rear view mirror. The driver soon caught up with me and as he went by we exchanged friendly waves. I was driving with my front windows open, even though it only got up to about 82 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday, not too bad for late December. Just a few blocks further down the street I saw a brand new grey 2005 parked in the downtown shopping center.
It had a paper plate from a dealership in Thousand Oaks CA. Here in California they do not issue temporary plates. Instead you get a piece of paper with your details. The dealers then install a paper plate of their own design on front and back as free advertising until your real plates arrive.
thanks steve ithought it might be something like that. now, if you had said that you noticed the new body design, wheels or paint scheme..... well you know. one day while i was working (home depot) a guy saw my key chain and asked what i was driving. an 04 prous i proudly said. he then pulled out his prius key chain and said me too. talk about bonding!! and that was here in nashville where you dont see somany