Tell me about it. Here in AZ it spiked from 2.87 to nearly 2.93. We also happen to have the cheapest gas in the nation right now... Where are you at? I know that it has been getting quite a bit more expensive in areas along the coasts but 3.44 sounds ridiculous! -- cf_coder
Literally or figuratively just yesterday? In the spreadsheet of my fillups, I filled up 11 days ago and 2 days ago. Gas shot up $0.25/gallon during that timeframe (to $3.34/gallon in the Bay Area). It wouldn't suprise me it it is at $3.50 by my next fill up. That oil refinery accident in Texas combined with high $$$ for oil/barrel is going to make this an expensive Spring-Summer for gasoline. Worse for the SUV driver's of the world, but sometimes one must "pay" for one's vanity.....(honestly, according to my wife, being a Soccer Mom isn't a bad thing....sheesh....their kids should be so lucky to have a mom like that.)
$3.29 today for Shell in Azusa, San Gabriel Valley east of LA. Raising gas prices, what else is new? Still filled up for less than $25.
Today it was $ 3.59 for 93 Octane at BP. Tampa Florida. Ouch!!! We have a winner!!! Good lordy we will def. hit $4 a gallon this summer at this rate. Which is just freaking ridiculous.
If I've done my sums right!... currently £1.11/litre (Diesel) (3.785 litres/US Gallon) Therefore £4.20/US Gallon Which means Diesel is currently $8.33/US Gallon Which I am still using until I get my Prius when the price will plummet to $8.03/US Gallon OUCH!!!!
A month or so ago I made a prediction in another thread that gas would possibly hit $4 by Memorial Day and definitely would by Labor Day. Of course, I guess that depends on where one lives geographically. Last time I checked, a couple of days ago, regular was $3.10 here, up from $2.95 just about 10 days earlier. That is gonna be tough on western Montanans who are simply way too attached to their Ford 150/250/350 pickups and Chevy Suburbans. I've been commenting to gas-guzzling friends for years that the days of cheap gas were winding down. I personally almost wish gas would go to $5 per gallon this summer just to really shock a bigger segment of the population out of their wasteful ways, but also recognize the potentially catastrophic effects that's going to have throughout the economy as a whole, but that day is coming sooner or later, probably before the end of this decade.
Here in Quebec gas is 1.17 cnd (1.195 usd) / L. 3.785 X 1.195 usd = 4.52$ / Gallon Well up here I think it will be 5$ / Gallon before long
i realy need to get my prius converted to a plugin 1,55 euro a liter 3,7 liters in one gallon = 5,375 euro a gallon euro current almost 1,5 dollar x 5,375 = 8,6 dollar a gallon
Here on the central coast (California) it has gone up considerably recently - from $3.19 last week to $3.49 this week. I can't wait until I get my Prius!! I currently get 15-20 MPG!