Why is it so difficult to get people to post pictures on this site? 10 people have introduced themselves to the forum in the last 2 days, and not 1 pic of their new ride? Come on people. Am I the only one who loves Prius Porn? So what if the car looks like every other Prius. The background, the angle, the lighting, the photo quality all says a little bit about the "newbie". I hope that you all jump on my "more photos band wagon". Btw, Ktoepp, I love the pics!!!! Especially the one with your puppy.
I wish someone would explain to me how you make your attached photos larger instead of little thumbnails. I used to be able to put in large photos but something has changed. See, too small
OK, <IMG style="MAX-WIDTH: 800px; ; WIDTH: expression(this.width > 800 ? 800: true)" alt="" src="http://www.simonho.org/images/London/London_Parliament2.jpg" border=0> But can you insert one of your own pictures full size if there isn't a URL for it?
Larry, I see your avatar thumb nail as 100 x 50 pixels. When I click it a new window opens and I see it as 454 x 226 pixels. Upload big pics!
Yes, just upload it to any one of a number of free image hosting sites, and then link to the URL...that's what works for me, anyway :ranger:
Posting pic of ones new car ,well they are all the same more or less.When you get to the mods that is a different story .Also some folks just are here for info .I happen to be one who has not posted a pic of my car but i have posted pics .Just put in the wet okole and i'll have pics later today. Everyone is different and we have a diverse group here .
Your arguement would hold water, except that getting people to post pictures of their mods is also like pulling teeth. It is not until people ask for pics that "some" people actually do. Posting pics should be a requirement. Maybe it is because I am a visual learner that I am so adament about posting pics. Anyway, you can post pics or not. It is up to you, I really don't care to rant anymore. hoto:
Prior to the new software, it was easy and direct to post full size, high resolution pictures. Now I don't know how to post any pictures to this site. Whenever I try to post a photo from my computer, it never works. I always get an error message saying that the file I'm trying to attach is too big. Can someone let me know, step-by-step, how to post pictures to this site?
You cannot directly attach photos that are saved on your computer. You must use a photo server like Photobucket.com. Get a free account there and upload the photo to the site. Once you upload a photo to your album on the site, you will get several codes. Highlight and copy the "IMG Code". Then go to the Priuschat.com message and paste the code onto the message. It should look like this "[!mg]http://lskdfowe[wej[/!mg]" Also, most photo servers have a maximum picture size. I find 640 x 480 to be adequate. Make sure you shrink them before you try and upload. Lastly, if you go back and edit your post, the picture disappears and becomes a bunch of letters. You will need to repost the photos. Not sure why it does that but it is a little bit of a pain in the nice person.
Thanks! But what a PITA! It was so much easier on the old software. Just 3 clicks and you were done. EDIT: One more thing, how do you shrink a photo to accomodate a photo server's size limit?
I use Adobe Photoshop Elements, but you can use any photo editing software on your computer. Open the photo in the software, find the "resize" button, usually under the "Image" tab. That should give you the option to shrink it down. 640x480 is good for most viewing, 1000x750 is better for those with larger monitors. You can also set your camera to shoot different sizes. I have my camera set to the smallest photos which is 640x480. I shoot a lot of houses, and I don't want to keep resizing them. If I am taking a picture of something I want to "blow up" to a larger size, I adjust the camera to shoot a larger format 2592x1944. I hope this helps. Yeah, it is a PITA, but once you get the hang of it, it is really not that time consuming at all.
Not true with my experience. I use the down arrow next to the paperclip in the toolbar of a reply post to upload pics from my computer. You can upload up to 3 pics per reply. I just keep the file size to thier allowable size and they upload fine. As you mentioned, 640x480 is usually ok as long as it isn't a 300mp shot which ups the total file size.. Tom, you can download a free program like Irfanview to resize photos and do a lot of stuff with pics. You can google Irfanview to find it.
Wow! You are right, you can attach photos directly from your computer! Now there are less reasons for members not to post pics!!!!!! Post em up! I am going to start a "Introduce yourself picture thread". So we can start to get to know one another and put faces to the posts. Cheers.
Thanks Steamboatsig and Lumpy95! :hail: Your posts have taught me a lot. I had posed the question and problem several times in other threads, but never got an answer I could understand.
I use flickr.com to host my photos (you can have a free membership there). One nice thing, is that they offer multiple size options for your photos, with a link, to make embedding images here easier. Small: Or Medium: Seem to work. There is also "Large" and "Original", but those would be way too wide for this forum, in my opinion.
Some of us like hosting not only our pictures but also our text on machines we actually have some modicum of control over. Then it's easy enough to drop a pointer into a posting, and you have a permanent link that works. . _H*