well im kind of new and i just got my prius a couple of weeks ago and theres this green car shaped light on the upper display that has the words ev in the middle of it. it wont turn off it just flashes
Hi EVlove, welcome to PriusChat! Where are you? Do you have a factory installed EV switch? If you are in a country that gets factory installed EV switches, I suspect the switch is pushed in. North American Prius don't have a light like that, I don't think.
That's the factory EV mode (so I presume you're not in Canada or the US). Perhaps there's a malfunction?
And are you on Right-Hand drive too? The only EV light on the dash I saw before is from JDM Prius' photos..... Side note: Their POWER button is located under the side vent, instead of on the dash. Guess for the export Prius, Toyota didn't just 'mirror/flip' the dash.
No i live in North America and i don't have an ev switch but ive read about it in some threads but i still don't understand what it is . Anyway im going to the dealer Thursday so i will report back.
Are you talking about the little green car next to the word Consumption that stands for watt hours regenerated? Edit. Sorry I just realized that you said it flashes. Can't be what I thought.