I remember lots of posts about the gas gauge and how inaccurate it was. I left Moses Lake on our maiden voyage to Seattle, with a full tank. There was a nice little row of squares all the way across the gas gauge indicator when we left. We got to Seattle, and there were about four of the little squares left. Humu took 6 gallons of gas (to go 300 miles). The squares all returned and the gas gauge read full. Seemed like the tank filled up correctly, and the numbers make sense. I don't know what the problem was that so many were having; was it temperature related and so less of an issue now that the temps are warming up? It was 52 F in Moses Lake and maybe a little colder on the west side of the mountains. Maybe the problem was corrected when Humu came off the assembly line. Bob
The guage is not linear. Maybe it is to the 1/2 tank mark, but if you keep going the little bars start dropping faster and faster until you start flashing, think you're almost out of gas, then fill up to find you can barely squeeze in 8 gallons. It's possible they've fixed the problem and your newer vehicle has the fix, for your sake I hope that's the case, but my guage does not show a fuel level in a linear fashion.
I picked my 04 up a week ago and the last box was flashing after 380 mi. only added 8.5 gal. So I don't think they have changed anything on the later units.
I am still trying to investigate my fuel consumption. I have been dropping down from 3 left to two left to only one left. Thus far, with only one left lit, I am only able to take on 7.55 gal. Seems to me there is a problem with displaying representative fuel consumption. It is frustrating to be given a fuel up cue, when one has only travelled a bit over 300 miles and in reality there is 4.35 gal left in the tank. Incidently, I had to work at getting fuel in the car to get it up to 7.55. So, my prii does not display fuel consumption linearly.
I have had trouble with the fuel guage accuracy of my Prius 04 as well (my 03 works fine). After taking it to the dealership and having it throughly checked out, they said I must force the gas into the tank to get it full. They claim that I wasn't getting the tank to full capacity, thereby I received the blinking signal of low fuel at perhaps only 325 gallons + or -. It would be helpful to see a drawing of the this bladder type tank to fully understand this issue?
Good trick. How do you "force" gas into your tank if the hose shuts off automatically? Is there a possiblity of damaging the bladder or does the "containment" box the bladder sits in, prevent the bladder from being filled too much? The Piper Cub has fuel tank in front of the pilot with a wire sticking out of the top. The bottom end of the wire, the part that's inside the tank, has a cork on the end. The pilot simply notes how far up out of the tank the wire protrudes and that's how he knows how much fuel he has. Great technology and only 50 years old. Toyota has a better idea: a multiphasic hydrocarbon sensor mounted on the end of a probe inserted into a computer chip which records the ambient electricity passing through a coil which is modified by the amount of gasoline. An inducer, mounted in the front bumper, determines whether the car is level then calculates the slosh factor AND the inductance created by the coil immersed in gasoline, then translates that into little squares which are aligned on the dashboard. The reason the gauge is sometimes inaccurate is caused by lint. Bob
Mary, Your dealer is WRONG!! Do not try to 'force' fuel into the tank. You can do it as there's a good seal b/w the pump nozzel and the tank neck, but as soon as you pull the nozzel out you'll get a gush of gasoline on the ground (and likely your shoes and pants). The amount of emissions in 1/2 cup of spilled gasoline is equivalent to something like 15K miles of driving!!! I attached a diagram of the fuel tank. Bob, your assessment is correct, you can't damage the bladder--it'll only expand to fill the size of the metal tank no matter how much pressure is exerted. I liked your Piper Cub analogy. I got my taildragger endorsement in a 1957 Taylorcraft with similar system...sure seemed more predictible than the Prius!
I filled up for the first time this morning. There were two bars left on the gas gauge. I put in 6.5 gallons and had driven 328 miles. The display read 50.0 mpg. The caculator showed 50.7. I probably put a 1/2 gallon of gas in after the pump shut off. I'm quite pleased with the mpg for my first week. I experimented with the cruise control this morining on the way to work. I set it for 61 on the freeway. The computer is smarter than my right foot. When I got off the freeway after 10 miles, the display read 56 mpg. Not bad. Have a good weekend. Jeff
Efusco, I routiney pump an additional two gallons of gas into the fuel tank on my classic after the first stop. When you are doing this, you MUST allow for the tank to vent. I usually pull the nozzle out untill only the very tip is in the fill tube. I then trickle the remaining gas into the tank untill I can see the level visually.
Wolfman, I suggest that you are not "forcing" the fuel in by doing that. Trickling it simply finds and uses all the capacity there. Probably a bit of stretching of the bladder does occur due to the added weight, but not to the extreme of keeping the unit sealed while the pump forces fuel in.
Darn ya, you read the message before I edited it...took me about 30 seconds to find my mistake and another minute to fix it, but I wasn't quite fast enough. Sorry about that. I thought it was Tag, but then remembered the dogface avatar...
I set the pump to the slowest setting and stop at the first click. I figure it's probably full because the first bar goes out at around one gallon used (based on miles driven and average mpg reported). When the last bar begins to blink I get around 7 gallons in. I think it was around 30 degrees last time. Of course, it's also possible that the pump shuts off and the gauge reports full when there is still room to fit more gas in. So in the end I don't really know if the missing tank capacity is at the top (room to add more after the pump clicks off) or at the bottom (fuel remaining when the gauge asks for more gas). It would be useful to know the answer to that. I think that John 1701a reports an estimated capacity of 9 or 10 gallons in very cold weather but I don't think he's ever been foolish enough to let it run dry or to fill it to the splash-on-your-pants stage.
I decided to top off the last tank and after 3 trys was only able to add .25 gal over the 7 gal fillup. The first bar did not go away until after 100 miles and I'm gettting aroung 47-48 mpg. These last two tanks went from 3 bars to one flashing within miles and the flashing was about 50 miles earlier than all other tanks. I'm currently at 3000 miles and as confused as ever about this tank/gauge. When I went from 3 bars to one flashing I was out in the Red Rock area around Vegas and very worried that I was going to be pushing it if I didn't heed the warning and find a gas station within 40-50 miles. I just have little confidence in that gauge. The most I've put in after it started to flash without a top off is 8.2 gal and the least now is 7 gal. There just appears to be lots of variability to how the gauge/tank works among the 2004 Prius owners and Toyota's going to have to do something soon.