I can not believe the TV advertisment I just saw. It shows natural disasters, floods, hurricanes, ect. They start showing shadows of a hummers in the scenes. And a news paper headline "Hummer Owners join together to help neighbors". They are making owning a hummer as being heroic. MAKES ME SICK.
Yeah I saw that one a a while back. Hey, it looks like Danny added some more emoticons. Given the context of this thread, I think this one is appropriate:
plonkers... I doubt people will buy that one, esp as petrol prices continue to climb and it isn't even spring yet. Fuel prices here in Denver are about $0.70 above what they were at this time last year.:fencing:
I don't think even 5 dollar petro will stop these young macho boys from buying. thinking there are impressing women, because of other SHORT comings:bump:
:yoid you see the latest crash test results. The Hummer did POORLY in a rear crash and only MARGINAL in side and front impacts. So much for big macho vehicles! Marvin
Using GM's fuel comparison web site (search here for a link) I calculated that gas would have to go to $9.33 a gallon for a Prius driver to spend as much on fuel as a hummer driver does today at $3.15 a gallon.:der: