AAAHHH!!! Stay away from Dallas!!! But I really don't have trim 'rings'. If I had a standard model, I would probably take them off. The plastic on the Touring looks OK to me. That's pretty funny.:cheer2:
I posted this elsewhere but I feel that if the Prius came standard w/o the rings that all the anti-ring people would be the first people in line to buy them as a mod. I agree with those who feel the indentation at the outside edge makes them appear to be missing something. Like they are "wheels" trying to be "rims", if that makes sense. Mine are still on.
I picked up a new Prius brochure at Toyota United's display at the Tour of Calif. Bike race. In the options section it shows standard wheels with and without the rings. Maybe they are now an option? If you have a new brochuere, check it out. I will try to scan it later and post it. As for mine, they look fine hanging on my garage wall. Update: I guess they are deleted on the basic "plain Vanilla" Prius, and included in any packege from 1 and up. Either way, lose the rings!
Yeah, but did you fall on your butt like Darell warns about on his Web site. That's what's stopping me....:fear:
While washing Pearl last summer I noticed a lot of sand and gravel coming out from behind them. Pulled them off, and saw how much dirt they held. That won't play in winter with salt and such, so they came off and stay off. If you're worried about damaging the rims on curbs you need more driving lessons! I just scrap up the mudflaps in parking lots (they rub on the curbs when you back in). The tires will rub curbs before the rims anyway if you get too close from the side.
I'm starting some classes to prepare new owners in the proper ring removal stance. The proper stance will prevent butt-plants and will make the entire experience more fulfilling. This will be a one-day, three hours session. Classes are filling fast, so sign up now!
You know, it's funny you say that...I read the part about falling on your butt, so I took all of the necessary precautions to avoid it. But I was with friends from work and one of my coworkers pulled one of them off while I pulled of the others. My coworker actually did end up falling on his butt! But we got them all off, and it really isn't that hard to remove them. They come off easier than you'd think. Go ahead--it's time to take the plunge!
I walked past 4 Prius on my lunch break that all had the rings on. I really wanted to pull them off, but I already have 4 of the stupid looking things in my garage. :biggrin1:
Took mine off for a bit tonight, then asked the spousal approval unit what she thought about it... Said they looked weird without them. Needless to say they are back on (at least for now). -- cf_coder
You made two mistakes that I can see: 1. Left them on too long after buying the car so spouse got used to the ugly. 2. Asked for an opinion.
I just found my list of standard and extra added "package 2" equipment....Looks like the trim rings are "standard equipment" and then they are also included as part of Package 2. Toyota considers them so special that you pay for them twice!!! BTW, with some nearly 66 people saying off with the ring, it looks like drivers don't agree
They put a nice set of lightweight alloy wheels on the car, then they tack on a clunky plastic "Playskool"* ring. I tell you there is some other purpose, because it doesn't make sense. Its some type of homing device for aliens. :alien::tinfoil3: * credit to Darell for the perfect description
When I stumbled upon Darell's web page, I actually chuckled out loud at the "playskool" phrase. A direct hit!!
Yeah, it's that wierd pricing structure Toyota instituted in 2008. Stuff like the trim rings, pockets on the back of the front seats, cruise control, etc. were previously standard. Now they are missing from the Base Prius, but become "standard" if you get any of the option packages. The trim rings are goofy. But the wheels are still better looking with the trim rings on. Otherwise, you see the even goofier spoke indentation and lip of the wheels which to me is reminiscent of seeing a plumber's crack or someone whose zipper is open.
Same here. I like the look of them off, but wife prefers for the rings to be on. I though having them off was more unique, but I guess not in the big picture, just here locally.