i just got an 08 prius and have discovered that the address book is not going to work with the iphone. i have asked the dealer if there will be a firmware update... i just get a blank look. does anyone know any way to get the sync to happen or if toyota is even looking into the issue?
from what i have read, the iphone uses a newer protocol which does not require the older "push" i would think that would put it back on toyota to update there system.... cant even get my old razr to sync more than one number at a time.
You're correct Cyber, the Prius can listen for the data but the iPhone would have to send it out. Hopefully Apple will one day enable the iPhone to send out (and even receive) address book entries via it's bluetooth. This would even make sharing contacts with other phones a lot easier as well.
OH man do I yearn for an update like that. I hope Apple comes out with some sort of way of exporting this. The problem is, all address book stuff tends to communicate with your PC outlook or wtv, and the Apple calendar program. Anyways... maybe some iphone hacker who drives a prius will make a mod that we can jailbreak into the phone or whatever. Until then I just leave the phone plugged into the 12v outlet, and sitting in my cup holder. And then I can dial a number while driving. /shrug.
I seem to recall threads from a while back where people have gotten around the issue of phones that don't support OBEX buy purchasing an old phone that does support OBEX and use that to transfer the contacts from outlook/ical or whatever to the Prius. Others have purchased bluetooth dongles for their laptops and the transferred the address book using outlook. I saw that there is a project on sourceforge for adding OBEX to an iphone, but I guess the best thing is to let apple know that you would like the iphone to support OBEX at Apple - iPhone - Feedback Hopefully if they do implement it they let you send the whole phonebook and not one address at a time.
i still think its toyota that needs the update protocol, my wifes accord sync'd with the phone in seconds transferring 220 contacts without any prodding. perhaps there is a pc-toyota solution... i have bt on the computer, anyone know how to do that?
Just to inject a little more confusion, my Iphone had no problem sending its entire phone book to my wife's Garmin Nuvi 360 GPS. It did it without any action on my part other than pairing the two devices.
Thats Garman functionality engineering right there. A+ As for the Prius contact syncing, I'd just wait until SDK apps are released any day now (they said in Feb. some time). I bet some 3rd party will see this and create an app to make it work.
As for the Nuvi 360 goes, I don't think it loads into the GPS memory at all. The GPS looks at the Phone's addressbook on the phone. When the phone is paired with the Nuvi, you can look at your contacts on the Nuvi. But if the phone is off, you don't even get that option on the Nuvi's menu.
That would be fine by me if the Prius did that. If my phone's not in the car, I'm not going to be making any phone calls anyway.
You may be right about that. But the point is that, whether it has to "push" or "pull" the Garmin Nuvi is able to extract the info. The car companies, including Toyota, don't seem to be as adept, or just don't care to go the extra mile.
I have an 08 prius and an iPhone. The only darn way I got the contacts to sync was to use my old Windows based mobile phone to push all the contacts to my car once and for all. This is not a great solution if you modify your phonebook everyday... So, in brief, I synced all my iPhone contact with outlook. Then synced my outlook with an old Audiovox SMT 5600. Used a program called: "JETware Hands-free Extension for Windows Mobile phones" to push all the contacts to the car. Now when people call me or I call them, their name shows up!!!