I was just browsing the youtube site, and was surprised to see this following video, of a ignorant old guy, talking crap about the prius (the old version) then doing something you wouldnt think off... see the video and be surprised, or not, at the level of stupidity in some people.
Ha ha! that clip is brilliant! The way that guy bashes the Prius in this and other clips has me thinking two possible things about his motivation: 1. He's interested only in "performance" cars and hence mocks cars that are built with different things in mind. ...or... 2. He recognizes that the Prius is an interesting and worthwhile piece of technology, but is conflicted about giving it rave reviews on a show whose viewers value the aforementioned "performance" car above all else... So he has some fun with mocking the Prius, and at the same time devotes more airtime to it than he would if the opinions he expressed were sincere. I tend toward #2 because all you can really tell from a TV show's content is what the producers think their audience wants to see, not what the host really thinks.
hah. That's Jeremy Clarkson, not some ignorant old guy. You cant take his greencard away because he doesnt have one. The show is created and filmed in G.B. Its his job to be opinionated about all cars. Top Gear is the show, and its really good. I watch it every time its on. Its actually on tonight . They review all cars, not just performance cars, but they usually do go about the reviews with performance as the primary target. I guess Brittian TV pays very well. He used to drive a Ford GT40, but now he drives a Lamborghini Gallardo. His reviews are very opinionated, factual, and wierd. He gave the hard top Gallardo a very bad review, calling it weak and a total waste of money, but he gave the convertible Gallardo the best review, so good that he went and bought one for himself. He is crazy, but he's funny.
Quite right, the one and only Jezza of Top Gear, THE best motoring show on TV anywhere in the world. So this was "Billy-Bob" getting cheesed off with a Prius in his parking spot on the desert. You will see that Clarkson also reviewed the 2nd generation Prius if you scout around You Tube, but not with quite the same drastic end...
I also watched this clip a while ago. It's quite dramatic with all these shootings at the Gen1 Prius, but I originally expect it'll blow-up at the end (like in Smash Lab style), but it didn't other than just fire. Still, will the Prius really catch on fire with enough shots at it, or is it just staged to make the Prius feel-like being destroyed? TopGear also reviewed the Gen2 Prius (by Jeremy too), the same anti-Prius verdict. But one common remarks from Jeremy in both reviews is he seems to tag on a belief that why drive a Prius when Diesel is a better (and only) way to go for value in high MPG.
Yep loved it too... he said that the prius was so slow that it couldn't hit children not hearing it coming, they had time to grew a beard before it actually reached them... His favorite behaviour is sitting beind a very fast car (let's say a bugatti veyron) and shouting POWERRRR !!! while stepping the accelerator...
Hi All, Not to be spoil sport, but this is plain and simple violence. And should be thought of as such. Especially a week after a college campus that is patrolled by Prius Police cars was shot up by a deranged grad student, just 30 miles west of here. I enjoy Myth Busters as well as the next guy, but shooting up a car, because of what it is, as Jeremy Clarkson did, not because its an available old rusting piece of junk that is headed for the crusher, goes over the line. And that is what this Jerk from the BBC did. I vote we have Jamie go chase down that convertable Lambo and nail it with his mini gun when Jeremy Clarkson parks the thing in the congestion zone in downtown London. Sounds like a valid new tax to me. Sorry, just had to go over the hipocritical line there.
Yep, Clarkson all over. His career is based upon his public persona, he has to act like a yerk, thats what he gets paid for. If he did not hate the Prius he would be out of character. Although I did see an old Topgear on Dave (which is a uk TV channel for the ex-collonials out there) where he put the Prius on the cool wall, adept because it would help you to pick up hippy chicks.
They bought the car, they owned it, they can do whatever they want with it. Your just talking about straight up vandalism. Shooting your own car that you own is totally different than shooting someone elses car out of anger. (i know, it wasnt technically HIS car, but the tv station did own it, and he works for the tv station, and they told him to do it, so close enough.)
No, I think he's not talking about vandalism... more like eco-violence: it's kind of uncool to destroy a perfectly good car, when that car could be put to use. He wasted all the energy that when into the production of that car by destroying it. And I agree, that's a bad point about the video. But if you've ever enjoyed an action movie, you can't really claim the high ground here. Plenty of energy is "wasted" in the pursuit of entertainment.
And Osama Bin Laden owned the camp where the 9-11 people were trained. And he owned the dummies they shot at. I think Jeremy is going over that line. If he did it in private that is one thing. But he did not. And it keeps getting posted and reposted. That is little difference than an Al-Queda recruiting video. Except its for wreckless rural car maniacs.
haha, ok your post just made this thread stupid. Now your comparing the fun of a brittish TV show that reviews cars (who has the complete right to do whatever they want with their own personal property) to the slaying of 50000 innocent people through a terrorism act. Nice....
Yeah, I didn't get that either... I tried to defend his position, but now I'm confused, and I think i got it wrong.
Well, the show didn't call TopGear for nothing: MPG is not what they are after and all non-performance oriented, slow and quiet motor vehicles should be humiliated and destroy. They did trash up some junky Porsches in couple of episodes in Mythbusters-style though....Not to say it's politically correct, but it's another kind of fun for car reviews than just straight-talk of cars....those are too boring.