2005 with 102,000 miles running great in all respects. Battery still good etc. I am getting an occasional burning rubber smell. I am guessing it is related to snow or ice build up as I use (flog) the car on a rural mail route. I am in and out of snow banks for 5 hours straight. Anyone else getting that smell? My first guess is something rubbing or blocking the waterpump belt? Are there belt failure issues? Thnx, gggGary
I had a very nasty burning rubber stench around a year ago. As it turned out, I had run over a garbage bag and it stuck to the catalytic converter. It melted and became nasty The next time out to the hobby farm, I had to drive the Prius up on to my car ramp made from old railway ties, and use a gasket scraper to get all the plastic off.
The smell you describe sounds like the same thing I encountered once when I had one wheel on a slick surface and it took some power to get the car to move off it. I suspect stability control, which applies braking to a wheel that would otherwise spin, is causing it. Either there is a clutch involved that is slipping when engaging, or it's spinning against the brake on the wheel on the slick surface. Stopping the car and feeling the front rims to see if one side is hot might test this hypothesis.
its most likely something got melted on your catalytic converter housing and burned creating that smell. also, it might be moisture buildup underneath the car or on the hoses or something, so the moisture burnoff might smell like rubber also im seconding the last post, i used to drive my prius in slippery conditions and i would notice that smell also.
Thanks for replys so far. This is an on again off again smell over the last two months and 3000 miles. So I don't think eve nan industrial trash bag could last that long. It could be related to the traction control since my TC light is going nearly constantly some days. I changed the tranny fluid using the correct Toyota ATF about 3 months ago.
you'd be amazed how long a plastic bag can hang on to an exhaust pipe. especially in a prius. you'd only smell it every once in a while because the exhaust pipe doesn't get as hot as quickly with the engine only on part of the time. of course this is all speculation. internet diagnosis is hard, especially with smells, sounds, etc.
I've noticed a similar smell on occasion Gary, but it's never been too bad or stayed too long. Our little buggies are certainly taking a beating in this Wisconsin winter weather. We should have some warmer weather soon with hopefully clear/dry pavement (remember that?). If you still get the smell then... let us know. Another thought: Have you ever changed or a least cleaned the cabin filter?
Yes, my car gets the funk sometimes too. I'll think it is gone and boom it creeps back. My five cats sleep in my car at night and I can tell they don't like the smell...ok I made up this last part but my car does get an odd smell every now and then.
Actually the burning rubber smell happened to me tonight. I have 32 miles on my car so far. Obviously I'm new to the Prius system, so I was wondering if I was driving the car incorrectly.
Several posters have noticed a burning rubber smell a few times when the car is new, should be no worries for you. I bought mine with 94,000 miles already on the clock. A funky musty kinda rotten smell at times from somewhere in the AC over time is also common. gggGary
I just got my Prius yesterday and my only concern is that I too am getting a burning rubber smell noticeable when I get to my destination. I am driving in winter conditions but the traction control has not had to come on much at all so far. From the prior posts, it sounds like something fairly normal and not an indication of a real problem? I suppose I will call the dealer if it gets worse or continues.
The smell is normal and goes away after 250 miles or so. It's just the car brakes and REGEN system breaking in.
Also be certain that the battery vent on the right side of the rear seat is never blocked or covered.
5,000 miles here, and I noticed it for the first time last Fri. I was coasting down a long hill into a small town while I was in "B" mode, (mainly playing around). When I was on the flat, I reset it to "D" mode. After a few minutes it cleared, I just passed it off as coming from some other external source. Maybe it wasn't? Of coarse, it was sunny, 35 (f) and a dry road. Maybe the car simply didn't know how to act, after the last few months of wonderful weather we've had