The sales rep at my Toyota dealership said to keep the smartkey & cell phone apart. How far apart should they be? Renee
I will quite often have my cell phone and smart key in the same pocket. The smart key will still open the doors and start the car while the cell phone will connect via the bluetooth. This probably decreases the range of the smartkey but if it still works...
I used to have both the fob and the phone on the left side of my body. Now the phone is on the left and the fob is on the right. I didn't really notice a difference.
I've had a few time when the SKS wouldn't respond to the car as the cell phone was between the fob and the car. Turned my body so the fob was between the cell and the car and SKS worked. It'll sometimes "jam" the signal if things are just right. Wife has the same problem with the fob and cell in her purse but has learned to turn a bit and things work again. Some people have complained to the dealers and now they just tell people to have the cell and the fob apart as a precaution agains having a complaint.
The RF from your cell phone can cause the smart key to respond over and over to false signals. This won't keep your smart key from working, but it will run down the battery in the smart key. The best bet is to keep them in pockets on oppistite sides of your body. Tom
I've never had my smart key and my cell phone in the same pocket, but I have had the smart key and my iPod in the same pocket. And it would not unlock my doors. I guess if the key were in front of the pocket and the iPod were in the back, it would have worked.
My cell phone sits in the cup holder either behind or on top of the smart key and I've had no problem.