After doing a lot of research (my wife laughed at me for reading Prius chat so much), this past weekend we finally picked up our new Prius in seaside blue with package 2. My wife is from Japan and we lived in Nagoya (Toyota's world HQ) for the past 9 years and were well acquainted with Toyota and the Prius. If you make it to the area I highly recommend a tour of their HQ and production plant. Amazing operation. So far we are enjoying it despite snowy and icy conditions here. I suppose blocking the grill should be on the top of my list. Well that and getting some serious mats to keep the snow, slush, and mud off the floor! Cheers and thanks for the great info.
Hello from PA. This forum is a blessing for all of us newbies. Lots of information and help from Prius owners around the globe.
Thanks! We moved here from Japan last summer and love it so far. The Prius on the stock tires in our snow is a bit squirrelly but not too bad if you slow down.
Welcome aboard VT!!! This is the best car forum on the internet. My folks owned a summer camp in Plymouth Vermont since the 60's and I ended up living in Arlington..then Bennington. Loved it! Left in 78 after the most monster blizzard I have ever seen. Snowed so much in one night couldn't see your car in the driveway the next morning! I moved to Florida. No more ice & snow! But still love VT! Still try to vacation up there every year in the Plymouth-Woodstock-Killington area.Its something very special that part of the world but was a very hard place to make $$ back in the 70's & 80's.I still go on NNEREN and dream I'd retire up there if we hit Lotto! But man oh man the property taxes are unreal! Good luck with the best car you'll ever own just don't run out of gas!! Ray
LOL... My wife says the same... even created a poll about it here...
Hehe nice one. I hope we qualify for "I love my spouse. We love our Prius" She is sort of stuck driving the old Subaru since it is better in the snow and has heated seats. <heads out to dig out the Subaru since it parks outside now>
Good luck with your Prius. It is an incredible vehicle. I am from Texas, but went to UVM in Burlington. I swear Burlington, Vt, is the most beautiful city in the United States. I took my kids there several years ago in late summer, and that view of the waterfront from Battery Park overlooking Lake Champlain is absolutely astounding! It is just a gorgeous state!!!