My sub is powered from the battery in the rear (the cable is actually connected to a splitter connected to the 12V battery that also delivers power to other amp equipment I have). The cable is then run through the opening on the left wall of the car below the seat (you have to remove the seat to see it) then run along the frame toward the B-pillar. It basically follows the same path as the orange High Voltage cable. From the B-pillar I ran it under the carpet toward the pre-cut hole in the carpet that's directly under the driver's seat. A perfectly placed opening for the wires to come out, as if Toyota had engineered it specifically for this purpose. I also inserted round plastic feet to the bottom of the SW to raise it off the floor a little bit so that the floor vent can blow freely if needed. The remote cable is then run along the driver's side and up the A-pillar. The remote controller is placed in the triangular window area, taped down with velcro. Very stealthy.
Ok, this calls for better pictures, more pictures and a write up. Please You knew that was coming. :lol:
I am glad you are joining the "more pictures" bandwagon. As intelligent as Prius owners are, they should be prepared to have pictures for every post. lol. Especially modification posts.
I just visited my friendly local quality audio dealer, and he suggested a look at a new sub by JL audio. It would fit in the cargo bay nicely, and maybe under the front seat if you didn't have the JBL amp there.
I don't have specific pictures of the wiring handy. Will have to dig through old photos to see what I can find. In the meantime, here are some pics to give you some idea of what I'm talking about.
Yep, you were right. Nav and Amp under the seats of #5. I went with the rear mount under the trunk cover and above the rear spare tire. I think another unit is needed as the subwoofer effect is diminished by the location. Has anyone out there ever installed two of the Kenwood units in the trunk area?
Don't say I didn't tell you so... I don't know about you guys, but I use the hidden cargo compartment in the rear more than I use the actual trunk area. I would rather save the hidden space and take up a portion of the trunk area. If you need to haul something large, you can always remove the sub box. But, that is just my thinking.
honestly Im no car audio guru, but i've been in a friends ride's with sub's under the driver or passanger seat and it sounds like crap and is annoying as hell. I've also had the pleasure to be in a car with the sub's in a hatchback/jeep in the rear and it sounds far better and hit's much better then a standard trunk set up. I would tuck it away in that compartment or just leave a box in the hatch and use the hideaway shield to cover it up. That would be the easier way that little spare wheel area though has alot of potential for a custome enclosure, with plexi, but will cost more. I would use a free air box though for sure. I've had bandpass before in my old escourt and it was garbage..or it could have been the crap rockford's..i went to alpines in a badnpass and it was an improvement, but nothing great. It all changed when I went to open air style box was almost to much bass, even with the LF know turned way down@90hz
Bass should really be as far from the driver as possible. It should also be bounced off the far wall.
my 10 inch 400 watt sub is located in the hatch. Pointing the sub towards the side of the car gets a thicker base that cuts in with lower power and sounds pretty good. I'm now testing the sound with the sub facing up. I'm not very happy so far.. maybe it's my setup. *shrug* I'm thinking my sub would sound better in an enclosed box (chambers on each side of the sub).
Well all the work paid off. I went with a "BOSS 800" for the car. I did not want to really see it, just hear it. So I made Aluminum mounting blocks, and Grill Cloth covers for it, and here is the result, This gives you access to all the controls, and wiring. The Amp itself is bolted down to the cover over the HV battery! It fits PERFECT in this location. Put the covers back on the Sub, drop the mat back in and it is about as subtle as I can see!!! It sounds pretty damn good!!! spent about 5 or 6 Pink Floyd songs setting it up...Holy cow my rear view mirror now vibrates and distorts the image!!!!!SWEET!!! It fills in the bottom end that I thought was always missing!!!
It looks like you could stick that sucker to the left side wall just behind the left rear seat back to free up even that little floor space! However, I like the look better than my down-firing box for my 10" Punch (I need to take a pic or two and post them on in my album). I know what you mean about using a few songs to get the set-up. I'm still messing with mine occasionally. Currently it is turned down a bit much, but on some sources it rattles the mirror (I find my set-up is very sensitive to the input source). Have you noticed that the auto volume feature isn't frequency-linear? It turns up the bass more than the rest of the spectrum as your speed increases. It took me a while to figure that out (and to believe it). With my system it makes the bass too boomy at highway speed (compared to leaving it off and just turning up the volume), so I have quit using it.